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to be worried on anxious.


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"dad?" finley asked as his dad tied his race shoes.

"finley?" daniel responded in the same tone looking at his son. he'd never been prouder, his son about to start his first tournament in professional karting. he was kitted in his dads gear having the blue and white ricciardo racing suit and kart.

"i'm nervous" the nine year old opened.

"you'll be fine" daniel reassured. "i'll be right up there watching you with you mum and sister" dan pointed to the stand at his wife who waved to her son.

"but it's more serious now" he protested running a hand though the dark brown curls he inherited from his dad.

"so what? i'll let you in on a secret okay, just me and you, you can't tell mum or syd" he started the boy nodded. "i get nervous still before every race. i won't go away but you turn those nerves into adrenaline" he whispered to the boy.

"you get nervous too?" finley asked his dad surprised.

"all the time." daniel assured him.

"last call" the race director called on the tannoy. dan pulled the balaclava over his sons head tucking it into his suit

"finley" he held his sons helmet out to him. it was blue and as funky as his dads helmets always were. "you've got this, i know you do. go win number three" he smiled at him as his son pulled the helmet over his head.

"gotcha dad" he smiled flipping the visor down heading to his kart with had a big three painted on it.

dan sat next to his wife and daughter waiting eagerly for him to start. "how was he?" y/n asked.

"nervous" dan nodded. "he's got it in the bag though" he smiled confidently.

" i wish you wouldn't say that, if he dosen't win he'll think he's let you down" she looked at him disapprovingly. "you're everything to that boy" she stated.

"don't stress, i didn't tell him. i'm just confident in his ability he's a natural" he smiled at her.  "when we getting you in a kart sydney?" he asked his daughter.

"i don't know if i want to" the six year old shrugged. "i like what mum does" she told her dad.

"so we'll have a racing driver and a journalist" dan nodded.

"solid" y/n agreed.

"he's starting" sydney pointed at her brother who started p4. "go on fin!" she cheered loudly.

he waved in the direction before heading off for the formation lap. "i hate this" y/n told her partner.

"it's safer than what i do" dan connected his hand with hers.

"i hate that aswell" she stated. dan simply smiled pulling her into his side. the race had started and finley was a little sloppy, he'd lost a few positions on the first corner and lost even more of the rest of the first lap.

"come on fin you can do it" dan spoke to himself as his son did a classic move of
his dads and over took three cars on the inner line. "that's my boy!" he clapped and y/n couldn't help but feel so much love for the man. he was so passionate about his son it was really
attractive. as the race went finley took more positions and was currently in p2.

"mum is he gonna do it?" sydney asked y/n ad it came to the last lap.

"i think he might" y/n told her daughter excitedly. her face lit up and she stared shouting words of encouragement. finley overtook first place on the last corner confidently crossing the line. the three of them launched out of their seats in cheers.

"he won!" sydney celebrated.

"he did syd" daniel smiled at his daughter who looked so happy.

"come on we gotta go celebrate" she told her parents who smiled at eachother following their daughter. she found her brother quite quickly in the crowd.  "fin!" she trew her arms round him and he laughed hugging her back.

"my ovaries" y/n joked to her husband seeing her kids interact. dan laughed kissing her head.

"we did well, love" dan nodded. 

"hold this please" he took his helmet off giving it to his sister who held it like it was the most precious thing ever. he pulled his balaclava off his head revealing his helmet hair. he tried to shake his head to make it look more normal.

"you need to stop growing up finley ricciardo" y/n shook her head hugging her son who held her tightly.

"sorry mum" finley rolled his eyes at his mum. finley ran into his dad excitedly flinging his arms round him. "i did it dad. i was only nervous for a little bit aswell" he told him excitedly. daniel smiled running his hands though his hair.

"i'm so proud of you" he told him honestly.

" i learnt from the best" he nodded. daniel smiled so full of love for the boy. "go get your trophy" he patted his back and he left for the podium.

"he's a future champion" y/n looked at her son stand on the podium his family cheering for him.

"he's a ricciardo" dan looked in awe at him as he waved at his dad from the podium.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2022 ⏰

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