Chapter 26: The Roommates

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Light stood near the bedroom doorway as L tucked Bean into bed. He felt a bit like a lurker just standing there, hands pocketed with his eyes boredly taking in the room.

Finally, L turned from the bed after a kiss to Bean's head and some softly-spoken Russian words, and the two left the room with L quietly shutting the door.

Light cleared his throat. "Ryuzaki, I'd really like to take a shower."

"That's not a problem," L responded, turning to face him.

There was an awkward pause as Light glanced down to the chain the joined them.

"So... you'll just stand outside the door then?"

"No, I'll come with you," L said casually, both hands shoving into his pockets.

Light frowned. "You have to take the cuffs off anyway for the both of us to get dressed and undressed. Is it really necessary-"

"You agreed to this," L cut in.

"Yeah, I did, but... are you really going to shower with me?" Light bluntly asked

"The gym here in the hotel has a locker room," L responded, completely unbothered. "Watari is here for Bean, so we can go down there."

Light sighed. "...fine." He turned to the bag Soichiro had brought for him and dug out some pajamas and clean underwear and shower products. Then he turned back to L, holding his things.

L started towards the door.

"Aren't you going to grab your stuff?" Light asked.

L turned to look at him, not having considered it. "...I suppose if you're going to shower, I should too," he mused. He let out a grumbly sigh, really hating the process of showering. But as long as he would just be standing there, he might as well get it over with. After all, he also hated feeling grimy.

Soon, two adjacent shower heads turned on, a curtain pulled between them.

"Remind me again how you and Misa met?" L spoke up, squinting ridiculously as he let the stream wet his mangy head.

"We met in Aoyama," Light answered, tipping his head back into the warm water.

"Right..." L faced the wall, his head down and dripping. "And... she found you on social media after that, correct?"

"Yeah." Light picked up the bottle of shampoo and squeezed some into his hand.

"And then you started dating."

"Yeah, that's right." He rubbed his hands together before starting to lather up his hair.

"Hm. Light, could I borrow some shampoo?"

"Didn't you bring your own?"

"If I had, I wouldn't be asking."

Opening one eye beneath soapy hair, Light reached for the bottle and then stuck his hand around the curtain with it.

"Thank you." L took it and then proceeded to squeeze an exorbitant amount directly onto his head, swirling it around before snapping the cap shut and setting it down on a little shelf.

The water continued to run from the two spouts, draining with the foamy suds at their feet.

" Light. Are you serious about her?" L's hair was like a wet towel that had been draped over his head as he just stood there, hunched at the shoulders with his arms at his sides.

An exhale sent a spray of water from Light's lips as he flicked his sopping hair. "No way. It's completely one-sided."

"Hm." Whatever soap was left in L's hair was carried down like a film, sliding down his shoulders to where it trickled in streams from his fingertips. "Then could you at least pretend to be serious for the sake of the investigation?"

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