"I will always love and protect you" Makomo whispered and kissed the baby's head

"He will be an amazing prince and king" Izaya said looking with pride to Takato

"The baby will need to eat soon, my queen" Kanto said "Do you wish for any of us to stay or do you want to breastfeed him without anyone seeing it?" Kanto asked and Makomo hummed and looked at Takato

"If my husbands wish, they can stay but otherwise I prefer to do it in private" Makomo answered after thinking for a bit

With that Kanto and Hinami left the room, leaving the royal couple alone with their baby. When Takato showed signs of waking up and going to cry of hunger, Makomo guided his mouth to her breast. As Takato drank the milk, he slowly opened his eyes to show one red eye and one purple eye.

"My baby was born with such pretty eyes" Makomo hummed with pride having her husbands also looking with pride to their son and heir




Makomo did her best to raise Takato to be an amazing person even if Izaya and Kakuyo couldn't be there all the time since they had a lot of duties as kings of Tenjiku.

She loved her son and was proud of him so when he turned eleven and was suddenly taken from her, it broke her a bit. Makomo had no idea why that happened and when Hinami asked around she was given no answers so Makomo could only hope her baby was happy and healthy and would continue to be so as years pass.




Makomo looked outside her window while Hinami prepared her dress for the party where Takato, who was already eighteen, would be declared officially as the crown prince. She hadn't seen her baby in all these years and she missed him terribly especially because outside of Hinami, Kanto and some other servants she had been prohibited from interacting with others or leaving her part of the castle. She didn't know why her husbands ordered this but she could do nothing about it.

"My queen, are there any problems?" Hinami asked looking at the woman who had lost her brightness when her son was taken from her

"Nothing" was Makomo's simple answer before she went to take a bath

She continued to think of everything that happened since Takato was taken from her. Izaya and Kakuyo married a concubine a year after Takto was taken from her which really confused her since she was never invited, as it was normal for a queen to be present when her husband marries a concubine, or was warned about it before the wedding so Makomo could order a wing to be prepared for the concubine as tradition. Makomo thought that was strange but let it be but since the marriage it was like Makomo was losing any power she should have as the queen and could do nothing to stop it when she didn't have any powerful allies on her side in Tenjiku. She may love her husbands, they grew on her during those 11 years she still had Takato but she couldn't be sure if it was love or not since the ones she would trust to help her understand her feelings were her family and they couldn't be there for her, but she just wanted to be happy again even if she felt that wouldn't happen soon.

"At least I will finally be able to see my baby" she whispered while getting up from the tub and making her way back to her room where Hinami and some servants were ready to help her get dressed for the party

The party was going well and Makomo kept a smile on her face when her husbands always stayed by the concubine's side and never came to her side besides when they had to enter the ballroom and make the announcement of Takato being the heir. Thankfully Takato was more than happy to be by his mother's side since he also missed her and never understood why he was taken from her side.

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