Chapter 1

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[6 years Later]

[Third Person]

After the conversation with her mothers 6 years ago, a month after Hela moved to Los Angeles, Completely different from her parents and aunties.

Really out from her mothers and aunties shadow. Hela wanted to live a normal life, away from the spotlight and royal obligations and responsibility for a while.

Her parents agreed to her request but as long as she hit the age of 30, she's gonna go back to Greece and be a Princess again, to help his brother rule over Greece.

She agreed with her mothers terms, because she can't run from her royal responsibilities forever.

She decided to get a job, since she's in LA, she decided to become a Personal Assistant. She don't know why but there's something in the job that makes it appealing to her.

Yesterday she signed an NDA but she Haven't met her employer yet. But she know that it's gonna be one of the elites.

Hela woke up early so she have the time to prepare herself. She just wore a simple blue and white dress with a rope design belt.

She decided to let her auburn orange hair fall on her shoulders after drying and combing it. she decided to not wear any makeup other than a lip gloss.

She put her sandals on, grabs her bag, and left her house. She got into her car. Her Mother gave her one of her grey Porsche and got her a condo unit, which she couldn't refuse.

The agency gave her the address of her employer and damn she really is an elite person. She's living on La Quinta, a high end, super-elite, Madison club community.

Her mother has a property their, along with her aunt's but they rarely use it. She refused to live in their house there because it's a big mansion for a one person.

She started driving towards the location, then after a few minutes she arrived at her employer's house.

She checked herself on the mirror first, checking if something is stuck between her teeth or in her braces.

Her car approaches a large black gate with security, they asked for her name and other stuff.

She gave what they wanted then let her in. They also instructed her where she can park her car.

She got into the property, and park her car. She got out, walked towards the door and rang the doorbell.

After a few seconds someone opened the door.

She gave her name and her purpose, then immediately they let her in.

Others might be star struck with the expensive amenities inside, but not her.

"Hi. I'm Quin, temporary PA of Mrs. Ramirez. I'm just here to show you The things you'll be working, what the Mrs. Likes and Dislikes. Ok??"

I just nodded, and gave her a small smile.

She started showing Hela around, kinda shock that she isn't star struck of the things surrounding her. Quin warm up a little while she shows Hela around.

While Quin is showing Hela around, at the corner, Alex can't help but stare at the aurburn woman.

In her eyes, Hela looks like an innocent angel, her Grey with a hint of green eyes, rosy lips, and beautiful slender body. Then there's something about the aurburn woman that makes Alex's heart go crazy, which is new to her.

She didn't realize that she was looking at Hela for so long, until she heard her sister calling her.

"Take a picture of her, so it can last longer."

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