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Pragya was married to Abhishek when she was 23

Pragya left Mehra's mansion when she was 24(Dadi's death track)

Pragya gave birth to 2 kids at that time. At that time she started her own business.

She came to Delhi for a deal that's when Abhigya met each other. At that time only Kiara came to Delhi with Pragya, the other kid was with her friend who is also her friend.

When Abhi gets to know that Kiara is his daughter, he forcefully married Pragya.

Kiara was kidnapped by Tanu and Nikhil.

Kiara was 8 years old at that time.

Pragya left the Mehra mansion after the blame game with the eldest baby.

Pragya went to the cliff again and started to look for Kiara again. After some hours she get a call from the hospital informing about her 3rd daughter. After some hours she get to know that some people had saved a girl who was drowning in the river and brought her to the hospital. She took the 3 kids and went back to New Jersey.

Abhi married Tanu after 2 years.

Purab had left the Mehra mansion with Disha and Sunny after Pragya left. They moved to Australia. At that time Disha was pregnant.

After 20 years Prachi and Sahana got a scholarship in India and went there.

Rest it is the same as the story except for Rhea was not involved in anything it was Priyanka who did all this with Alia and Tanu.  

There is no deal between Rhea and Prachi as they were friends.

Pallavi disliked Prachi from the beginning since she thought they are middle-class people. So she was also there with Alia in all her planning up to Pranbir marriage track.

After Pranbir marriage, Pragya's accident happens and she was saved by someone (you will know later who that was).

Kholi's had not accepted Pranbir marriage and throw them out. 

Aryan took Pranbir and Sahana and Rhea with him to his house and introduced them to Dishrub.

There is no temple scene and it is also not revealed that Prachi and Rhea are sisters yet.

Pragya had gone out for a deal when she got the call from Abhi, Alia, and Tanu and they told her that Rhea is her daughter and they 3 had failed her car brake.

Prachi had called Kiara and told her about Pragya being missing. Kiara told Prachi and Sahana that she will look into it and for time being not to tell anyone about them being business people or about her and her twin.

So Prachi and Sahana had not told anyone about Pragya being a businesswoman or about Kiara and her twin.

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