being bad feels pretty good, huh?

ابدأ من البداية

You hated it.

When you see him at Family Video buying another horror movie. Eddie would walk up to the cash register, always being flirty by saying how pretty you are. He made you nervous, and he liked that.

Eddie knew he had some effect on you, but you didn't bother to entertain his thoughts. It annoyed him, just wanting you to give in.

"Now, how in the world did a good girl like you get stuck in here?", A voice said, making you clench your legs together.

You let out a huff of hair before turning around to see the curly-haired male. dammit, You cursed to yourself as he gave you a small wink.

No matter where you were, he was always around you somehow. It was completely aggravating. It annoyed you how attractive Eddie was, mainly because he was always nice to you. It made it harder to hate him.

"None of your business, Munson," you said, facing forward, not wanting to talk to him anymore.

Eddie grinned, loving every minute of getting under your skin. But he was a total gentleman to you, knowing how sweet you were. Yet he knew how to make the grumpy side of you come out.

You couldn't believe you had to be stuck in a room with him. Knowing Eddie was here with you was something you hated, though he always seemed hard to get away from.

"Well, you two, I guess it's just us," The teacher said, making you look back at him.

You nodded with a gentle smile before pulling out your notebook. Your hand quickly started moving along the pages trying to distract yourself from the hours you would be stuck here.

The male behind you could care less. Eddie had been through this many times, but not with you. It would be a waste not to use this to his advantage.


At this point, it felt like you had been stuck in the dull classroom for hours. Eddie stood silent most of the day till he started bugging you. He would try to get your attention several times, but you pretend he didn't exist.

The teacher had left a while ago, probably to do stuff while stuck here. So that left Eddie and you alone in the classroom.

"Can't ignore me all day, sweetheart," he said, making you roll your eyes.

You hummed, "I can try."

You quickly went back to writing things in your notebook. A few minutes went by, and you started to smell pot. Turning around, you stare at Eddie as he lights up a joint between his lips.

"Are you insane??", You whisper yell, trying not to be loud.

The male chuckles, smoking away, just leaning back into the chair. "Put that out," You said again, but he just shook his head, not having a care in the world.

"I'm good, babydoll, thanks," he mumbled.

You started to get agitated as Eddie kept getting under your skin this entire day. Finally, getting up and walking over to him. "Will you stop calling me that?" you said in a tone.

"You are completely annoying. No wonder you're in detention right now. You never can just be quiet and shut up", You spoke as he stared at you with a raised eyebrow.

Oh she's going to regret that, Eddie thought to himself as you acted like a brat.

He took the joint out of his mouth, blowing some smoke out, "You know what your problem is?".

Groaning, you shake your head.

"What, Eddie? What do you have to say now?" you cross your arms, looking at him.

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