Section 1 - Peter's Journey: Chapter 1 - Sadness and Surprises

Start from the beginning

"Hello, may I sit with you?"

He looked up and saw a tall willowy girl with bright green eyes. She had long thick blond hair that waved around her face in the style of the day. There was a slight smile on her face and she was obviously curious about his dumbstruck response.

He stammered, "Uh, sure."

She smiled and said, "I'm April, April Treed."

He didn't know why but there was something about her that was both familiar and strange at the same time, like they were from the same place. Time seemed to stand still for a moment, then he recovered,

"I'm Peter Pevensie." He was quiet for another moment then said, "You must think I'm daft."

"No," she replied in all seriousness. "I think you are lonely. You sit here like an island in this sea of people. Would you like me to leave you alone?"

"No!" he said, a little too quickly. He didn't know why he wanted her to stay, but there was something about her. It was like a fresh spring breeze had blown across him. An answer from Aslan? He was curious.

"Please stay," he said quietly.

"Where are you from Peter Pevensie?" She said lightly, making conversation as she took a bite of her chocolate cake. It was one of the school's specialties, all the girls loved it.

"London, well, most of time, at least before the war," he said.

"I've always wanted to live in London," she said smiling. "I am just thrilled to be on the outskirts. I'm a dancer. It has always been my dream to dance on the Royal Opera House stage."

"Ballet, right?" He was intrigued. A dancer? It made sense. She was very graceful in her movements. Why had he even noticed that? She was saying something about a performance at Saint Finbar's on Friday, would he like to come? He noticed around him that other students were starting to move towards afternoon classes.

"Sure," he mumbled, not really aware of what he was agreeing to. She started to leave.

"Good bye Peter. Thanks for letting me sit with you."

Then she was gone. He sat back stunned. For the first time in months curious and interested in something, or someone.


The next day he looked for her trying not to appear too eager. Would she come today? Likely not after the fool he made of himself. He heard a soft voice say,


His head snapped up, she came!

"Hello," he said.

It look all his resolve not to jump up, bow and pull her chair out for her. Courtly manners die hard, he thought grimly. He was determined to find out more about her this time, but, where to start?

"I didn't get a chance to ask you yesterday. Where are you from?"

"I'm from Sway in Hampshire. It's a small village in The New Forest, about four hours southwest of here. My family has lived there for generations. I am the first one from my family to go away to school. It has been quite an adventure."

"What made you decide to do that?" he asked.

"My grandmother's dream was for me to travel away to school. She said I was special, that the best of the family rested inside me and that I should be able to realize my dreams and 'make something of the spirit within me'. That sounds completely looney doesn't it?"

"No, it doesn't, that makes sense in a way that I haven't heard in a long time." And, it didn't sound crazy, it sounded slightly... Narnian!


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