1 - A Lying Witch and a Warden - part 1

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A terrifying, giant alien with many glowing red eyes and legs covered in black hair crawled its way out of the abyss. Captain Avery backed away with his laser ray gun in hand.

"You are very cunning for just a mere human," remarked the alien, glaring down upon Captain Avery. "But you are no match for me! You will perish, and I'll prevail, I always do!"

Captain Avery chuckles. "You underestimate me, Ralbog," he grins, "for you are no match to Captain Avery, traveler of realms, fighter for justice!" He held a dramatic pose, before he pulled up his ray gun and aimed it at the alien.

"Now eat this, sucka!"

The laser fired a fantastic beam of light into the Ralbog's face, burning it.

"No! My one weakness! Death!" it cried, before falling down the pit he crawled out of, with a satisfying thud when it hit the floor.

"And that's the end," said the blonde-haired boy, proudly.

He finishes his tangent and he sees he's no longer in his fantastical intergalactic daydream, he's in the principal's office, looking at his confused uncle, and an unamused principal at his desk, while holding a Captain Avery action figure and a live tarantula.

"..The end of what?" asked his uncle.

"My book report for Cosmic Frontier," said the kid. The tarantula crawled out of his hand and up his arm. "I think I did exceptionally well."

The principal sighed. "Your book report is why you're here." He points to the door.

The blonde-haired boy looks at the door, and through the office window, he can see students running around, with two or three having a tarantula crawling on their face.

"Oh," said the boy, chuckling, "that's where the backup spiders went."

"And what was this for?" said his uncle, pulling out a bunch of firecrackers that were tied together from a bag.

"That was for the Act Three closer," he said, looking down at a spot on the floor.

"Hunter, I love your creativity, but maybe tone it down a tad bit?" asked his uncle. "Don't you remember the last 3 times you were here?"

Hunter remembered all right. The first of those three times, he was at an audition for Romeo and Juliet, auditioning for Mercutio. He felt the audition went very well, but he did not get the part, because of how vulgar his audition was.

"I am hurt! A plague o' both your houses! I am sped!" he cried, as he got stabbed with a fake sword, by the person auditioning for Tybalt. He opened his vest to reveal sausage links coming out of his torso, to resemble organs. There were lots of screams during that audition.

The second of those times, he was in art class, creating a sculpture of a "flying serpent", which he made with a snake skin and cotton balls for the snake part, and he made wings with wires. He opened the snake's mouth, and gleefully watched as several tiny jumping spiders started climbing out of its jaw. People were screaming and throwing objects around.

"What? Jumping spiders are harmless, guys!" he called, while the tiny spiders crawled through his hair.

And the most recent time, before today, he was trying out for the dance club, and he watched another person at the tryouts do a successful cartwheel. Several people clapped.

"Oh, you think that's cool? Watch this!" Hunter said excitedly. He turned around, and when he revealed his face again, he was holding his eyelids inside out.

More obligatory screams.

Hunter sat in the principal's office, ashamed.

Hunter's uncle put a hand on his shoulder. "We love that you feel comfortable expressing yourself, but, if you can't control it, if you can't separate real life with fantasy, you might end up here."

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