New Recruits

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--Byleth POV--

Byleth: Wait Edelgard, how are you keeping your position as Adrestian emperor secret. 

Edelgard: Well, I asked my father to stay acting as emperor in my place. It makes things easier for everyone, even if I am truly the current emperor. 

That's interesting, I am surprised he didn't reject due to being in the state he's in, but he seems to truly care about El so I guess it makes some sense. 

Byleth: I see, so nothing changes until we enact everything out. 

Edelgard: Basically, what should our current movement be. 

Byleth: I would say let's just act normal. Hang out with the students, do work, recruit, you know the drill. 

Edelgard: I see, I'll keep in touch with my father to see if anything happens in my absence. 

We have a decent plan for now, I just don't know who to recruit, maybe Felix and Lysithea. While Felix is pretty distant, he is incredibly good with a sword and could be an incredible general if given the proper training. While Lysithea is just incredibly hard working and just having someone like that on our side would be perfect, especially considering her knowledge. I think Felix would be pretty simple to get on my side if I trained with him and beat him enough. He's been asking to train for a while and is probably at the training grounds anyways.

Lysithea: Professor, please please please, add me to your class.

Well that was easy. 

Byleth: Of course, I was just on my way to ask you! Why are you so intrigued with the idea of joining my class.

Lysithea: Marianne already joined and she's one of my friends so I really miss her, you have a lot of strong fighters, your reputation is immaculate, why wouldn't I want to join?

Well, that's nice. 

Byleth: Why thank you. Yes, I will set you up right away. 

Now onto Felix.

--At the Training Grounds--

Felix and Catherine are sparring. I should wait for them to finish this current round.




They are taking forev-


Phew, that was insanely close.

Catherine: Professor Byleth, I just realized you were here, how long have you been here. 

Byleth: A while, was wanting to spar with Felix actually, but if you two are here I will gladly wait. 

Catherine: No, feel free. I'll head to the dining hall for now, we've been training for hours so I'm pretty famished. 

Catherine walks off with a weird look in her eye, like she doesn't trust me. Which I guess if that is the case, admittedly fair enough, even if quite worrying.

Felix: What a waste, I could train for many hours more. 

Byleth: Well, how was training with Catherine.

Felix: Are you here to spar or to make small talk?

This man needs to chill out. 

Byleth: Both! Let's begin before dinner at the dining hall.

We charge at each other, and I notice Felix is being unusually reckless against me. Usually when we have sparred, he is much better than this, I guess I know how his session with Catherine went. 

--An hour later-- 

Byleth: Felix, we should get going. Your sword play is uncharacteristically poor today. 

Felix: I haven't improved much recently; my teacher doesn't know what they are doing half the time. 

Byleth: Are they not teaching you stuff you are interested in?

Felix: They keep telling me basics I already know. 

Byleth: Well, how about this, you join my class. I'll set up an exam for you and you can spend a few days at the training grounds with me watching, after that I can set up a course and if you have any issues with it, I would be happy to change it. 

Hopefully I didn't sound too desperate, cause I am. I'll take anyone I can get to help the empire out right now. Though Felix isn't a requirement for the empire, it's much better to have someone as strong a general as him then to not.

Felix: I'll join, but under the condition that if you prove to suck more at your job, I can leave whenever I want.

Phew, that was scary.

Byleth: Perfect! Feel free to leave whenever you want!

I walked away and suddenly just waves of relief flew over me. That is until I saw Catherine, she may be crazy strong on the battlefield and act a little dumb, but I have a feeling she's much more intelligent than she lets on. She's a legendary knight of Seiros after all, so despite acting like a goon, so she's got to be at least decently intelligent.

Catherine: Hey Professor, care for a chat?

She's being scarily blunt right now, I'd be dumb to reject her chat though, it'd add suspicion.

I nod and she takes me to her room. She tells me to take a seat and she walks to the door. What's Catherine got up her sleeve. 


Heyoooo. I know this one took a while but I finally updated it. I will have the next chapter out in the next two-three days as my own little christmas gift! Hope you enjoyed this super short chapter, the next one will be much more intense! 

Sweetheart (Edelgard x Male Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora