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Today the last week of summer holidays had begun and James was reading through his diary again. On the last day of school, Lily and him had had a fight and he told her the worst thing he could.


It was last day at Hogwarts before the holidays started and James was walking through the corridors with his best friends Moony, Padfoot and Wormtail, when he saw Lily in front of them. "Hey Evans!", he shouted, "Want to go out with me during summer?"

"Shut up Potter, I'll never go out with you!", Lily yelled back. Already a small crowd had gathered around them.

"Why not?"

"Because your an arrogant, good-for-nothing, self-loving, stupid arse, who has probably slept with most of the girls in Hogwarts and who has nothing better to do than hexing people you don't like and constantly playing your childish pranks! That's why Potter!", she yelled angrily.

James eyes flashed with hurt and anger, "Oh yeah? And you're nothing but a little girl who thinks she is better than everyone else just because of her grades! You don't even deserve to learn magic! I wish you were expelled!"

Everyone gasped at his words. Tears started to fill Lily's eyes. And then she ran off. Her friends glared at him and followed her. The people in the corridor were frozen. No one had ever heard James Potter insult Lily Evans, just as no one had ever seen Lily cry.

Flashback end

Afterwards, James had felt like the biggest git in the world. He had called the only girl he ever loved stupid, and told her, she didn't deserve to learn magic. How stupid could he be? 

When they had gotten home, he talked to his mother about it. He had known she would be very angry, but he didn't care. He deserved it. After weathering the storm and being grounded for the rest of the holidays, his mother had advised him to read his diary to see what mistakes he had made over the years with Lily.

(A/N: I only write the most important entries. I will shorten them, because my only intention is to write the "history" of James' and Lily's relationship).


Saturday, 30th August 1971

Dear diary,

Tomorrow I'm going to Hogwarts for the first time!I am so looking forward to it. I hope I'll make lots of friends. Today I [...] and then we went home.I have to sleep now. 

See you tomorrow.

Sunday, 1st September 1971

Dear diary,

I'm finally at Hogwarts! 

I have already made new friends, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. Yes, Black, but he's very nice, he also says that his family doesn't like him because he's against muggleborns, muggles and halfbloods being worth less than purebloods. Peter is a bit weird and shy but quite nice, Remus is also shy and he likes reading a lot and likes chocolate but he's also very nice. And that's not even the best part, because I met the most beautiful girl in the world on the Hogwarts Express, her name is Lily Evans. She has red hair and emerald green eyes. She was sitting with a boy who has probably never washed his hair in his life.

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