And Then there is this;

Start from the beginning

Just a heads up with regards to my CTO which I will be contesting with a bit more than my rights being smashed by self involved tribunal members, precoached to false information and who did not follow the law when it comes to recording the dialogue of a quasi judicial meeting that had the power to decide a persons life, but was done informally, with no due diligence or legal framework followed. I guess if any of you had actually known the truth of who I was, you wouldn't have done such a sloppy job of the legal procedure when you decided my fate based on the testimony from Dr devilla, who had, by his own illegible handwriting merely reiterated what the police had told him about me. False testimony from a lying cop who had every reason to lie and no good reasons to do his job honestly since it would have landed him in prison if he had told the truth, just like if an actual courtroom with actual judges, not in this province, who were to look at the information in my information; which is discounted based on the idea that I am a degenerate criminal, a menace to society and a criminal mischief maker.

In devillas defense, he was lied to by every participant in this sordid little legal mess, that is going to cause a pretty big shit storm when it hits.

Not in his favor is repeating the information on his first report, 2.5 years after I was supposedly released for treatment that prescribed psychotherapy and that means drugging him with the maximum dose of Invega Sustenna for 23 months or so, never having an appointment, and then spouting of a pack of demonstrably false accusations. Just because a police officer told you something does not make it true. In fact, there is this whole thing called the judiciary that exists just to validate the statements made by professionals in the course of their day to day activities and this is because power has a way of corrupting people. And as we all know, power equates to many different subjects. Power can be conferred by having an advantage over someone in terms of knowledge, in terms of social stratification, in terms of assigned positions and rankings in the hierarchy of a persons professional career, which; despite an entire industry devoted to turning off the mind, leaving 90% of the worlds population asleep, while their social superiors decide the means and ways to which this world operates, enshrines them in laws specific to the constitution of an individual countries state of the state.

Broken states are governments whose every action goes against their published constitution, a failed state exists when there is a clear disparity by the laws, their enforcement, and their application in and around enforcement.

Relying entirely on the testimony of the police and the gossip from referencing the General Practicioner in all things related to a patient, is no way to make a clear and understandable diagnosis. Why, what if this was all an experiment, and I had been getting feed placebo and things like that? That would have to be disclosed now wouldn't it? Or are their even more special laws that I do not know about, ones that say Richard Thompson is fair game, do what you like to him, he has no rights and is a criminal besides....sound familiar.

One question I would like to a professional hand writer dissecting Dr devillas handwriting. Having Illegible handwriting is one thing, but being beholden too, and using the power off, and taking the decisions as my life...does that life, as in the power over it...being decided by someone who cannot even form a legible sentence on a piece of paper. What did those words actually say?

Now I write this as both an information brochure, and a chiding admonishment for Dr devillas actions and behaviors...which he reinforced when he stood by his comments as coming from a police officer and therefore legitimate...intimating that he had knowledge to which I am not privy, and also displaying the social stratification that he has placed his decision making into. And judging me socially inferior, without once even trying to find out who I was, while the tribunal took every word as a sign of a failed state. A big one. A failed state in every regards. You should try reading Nohm Chomsky sometimes, he is very enlightening...and as my former mayor informed me one night in a council meeting..."I was merely booklearned, and did not know how the system of government really worked..." which is another telling sign of a failed state..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2022 ⏰

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