Chapter Twelve

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(Y/N) heads to the Owlery with Harry since he wanted some company on the walk. At the top of the stairs they run into Cho. Her and Harry do a strange dance trying, Harry trying to get through the doorway while she tries to get out. They eventually figure it out. "Watch the stairs, they're a bit icy at the top." (Y/N) and Harry both nod and she heads down the stairs. Before (Y/N) could stop Harry he calls out to her. "Cho?" She turns around and smiles at him. "Yes?" Harry gulps quickly. "Um, well, I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the Yule Ball with me?" She shakes her head in confusion. "Sorry, I didn't catch that." The owls are quite loud today. Harry then repeats himself with a few less nerves this time. "Oh, um. Harry, uh, I'm sorry but Cedric's already asked me. And we're soulmates you know." She says with a guilty expression.

Harry nods trying to keep a straight face. "Oh, of course. How could I forget? I'm happy for you." He nods once more and walks further into the Owlery. "Harry?" Cho says, causing Harry to run back with hope in his eyes. "I really am sorry." Cho then turns to leave. (Y/N) walks up to him and puts her hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry Harry. I know you liked her." Harry sighs then nods. "It's alright. I should have expected it anyway." He then walks to Hedwig to send his letter and stares out at the sky. (Y/N) leaves knowing he needs some space right now.

She decides to head to her dorm room to grab a new book so she can read in the astronomy tower until she needs to meet up with Hermione. (Y/N) thought it was best to check up on the girl a while after the event in potions and convinced her to go dress shopping in the afternoon. When she finally gets to the top of the staircase she notices Draco sitting down reading just like she planned to do. She sits next to him and also opens up her book. He glances at her from the corner of his eye and smiles. "Hello to you too (L/N)." She turns her head to look at him. "How are you liking the book?" Draco then closes the book knowing they'll be talking for a bit. "It's quite good if I'm being honest. Who knew muggle stories could be interesting." (Y/N) playfully nudges him with her shoulder. "Before I forget, I think we should start brewing our potion after the Yule Ball is over. Does that work for you?" (Y/N) nods at the question after taking a moment to think.

They both stay silent for a moment before Draco speaks up again. "That was a bloody fiasco in potions earlier wasn't it?" She laughs at that. "Ron doesn't always know when he's gone too far with Hermione is all." She pauses. "He wasn't completely wrong though. It is quite sad whenever a girl doesn't have a date to a dance." (Y/N) pushes up her glasses and sighs. "Don't tell me you don't have a date yet." She smiles and replies, "And what if I said I didn't?" Draco raised his eyebrow questioning if she was joking or not.

Draco takes a moment before deciding to ask her a question. "(Y/N) (L/N) will you go to the Yule Ball with me?" Her face flushes red and she pushes up her glasses once more. "You're being awfully nice to me. Is this a joke or something?" She nervously taps her fingers on her book. "I mean we're not even soulmates or anything. Why would you want to go with me?" Before she can continue rambling Draco puts his hand on top of hers. "Just because we don't know who our soulmates are doesn't mean we can't go to the Yule Ball together." He pauses for a second before continuing. "And I want to go with you because you're more bearable than I thought you'd be." (Y/N) starts to laugh at that while she smirks at her. "Sure Draco, I'll go to the Yule Ball with you." His smirk turns into a huge grin and she gives him a quick peck on the cheek. "I'd love to talk more but I promised 'Mione I'd go dress shopping with her." He nods and lets go of her hand. (Y/N) stands up and dusts off her robes and waves goodbye to Draco as she descends the stairs.

She quickly heads to the Gryffindor commonroom to meet up with Hermione trying to calm her racing heart from what just happened. Draco Malfoy asked me to the dance! Ah, I shouldn't be this happy about it. (Y/N) giggled as she rounded the corner to the commonroom entrance. "Hey (Y/N)! Right on time as usual." Hermione smiles at her. "You always need to be on time when it comes to shopping." She smiles back at her. "Hopefully Madam Malkin's isn't too crowded." Hermione says while they start their walk to Hogsmeade.

(Y/N) hums hoping the same thing. "The Yule Ball is in a few days so I doubt it will be. I know most girls bought their dresses as soon as they found out about the ball." Hermione sighs happily knowing she won't be swarmed by people. "So, you never said who you're going with." (Y/N) blushes at the thought of Draco. "Who said I was going with anyone?" She nervously chuckles. Hermione gives her a knowing look. "I saw the look you had on your face a few minutes ago (Y/N)." She stays silent, causing Hermione to eye her even more. "How about I tell you after we finish shopping?" Knowing that's the best she'll get Hermione nods. For the rest of their walk they switch from topic to topic until they finally get to Hogsmeade.

When they step into Madam Malkin's they notice that only a few girls are looking at dresses. "Welcome girls, if you need any help don't hesitate to ask." The shop owner says as they pass by the counter. They both nod and Hermione grabs (Y/N) by the arm to take her to the dress section. They look around for a while trying on all types of styles and colors until Hermione falls in love with a two-toned pink dress. It had many ruffles and the shoulders flowed perfectly on her body. "I love it, 'Mione! You look gorgeous in it." (Y/N) gasped at how beautiful her friend looked. "You think so? It's quite beautiful." She nods her head vigorously. "Victor will be stunned when he sees you!" Hermione smiles and slightly blushes at what she said. "I'll get it then." She beams before turning back into the dressing room to change.

"Now that we've found my dress we have to keep looking for yours." Hermione says while eagerly looking through multiple dresses. (Y/N) slowly drifts away from the section Hermione is in and goes to a different one. There are many simple yet stunning dresses which immediately caught the girl's eye. After a few minutes of looking she notices a deep green dress. The top has a v-cut that went off the shoulder and the bottom was form-fitting with a slit down the leg. When (Y/N) felt the dress she noticed it was made out of satin. She quickly grabs the dress and hurries into a dressing room to try it on.

Hermione is eagerly waiting for (Y/N) to step out so she can see the dress. "Are you almost ready?" As soon as Hermione asked, (Y/N) stepped out and Hermione's jaw dropped. "Does it really look that good?" (Y/N) laughs. "You need to buy that right now. Whoever you're going with will fall head over heels for you the moment they see you in that." This causes her to laugh even more. "Thanks 'Mione, that's really sweet." Hermione takes (Y/N)'s hand and spins her so she can get a full look at the dress. "You're getting it. No doubt about it." (Y/N) smiles and replies. "Yes ma'am!" Hermione then starts to laugh while (Y/N) changes back into her robes.

Both girls were beaming on their way back to Hogwarts until Hermione asks who (Y/N) is going to the Yule Ball with. "I thought you'd forget about that after dress shopping." She admits. "How could I? I have no clue who you'd be interested in going with." Hermione pauses. "I don't think I've seen you hang with anyone but our friend group if I'm being honest." (Y/N) hums in agreement. She's close with some Slytherins but they've never hung out outside of their commonroom. It's not a surprise that Hermione isn't sure who she'd be interested in going with. "If I tell you I'd prefer it if you didn't tell anyone else." Hermione gives her a confused look but nods her head. "Draco asked me earlier today." For the second time today Hermione's jaw dropped open. "Malfoy? Draco Malfoy asked you?" She asks bewildered.

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