Chapter 4

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Maybe I pissed my pants a little.


I'm not sure.

Either way, this thing is HUGE!! Its towering above me, steam coming from its mouth as it breathes. Its shiny teeth glisten in the moonlight, and they look like they can bite through metal. "Uh, I guess Rufus is a no?" I ask it, as if it can even understand me.  It growls for a quick second, but doesn't move.

So I do. I turn onto my belly and get up off the ground, running for the house. It chases after me and catches me by my hood before I can get anywhere close to my home. "NO! NO, PLEASE!!" I yell, flailing around. "D-DON'T HURT ME PLEASE!!" The hood rips from all my flailing, and I fall from, like, 10 feet onto the ground.

"AGH!" I shout, grabbing my ankle. I flip onto my back and look up. "LEAVE ME ALONE, PLEASE!!" I yell at it. It opens its mouth and gets closer, ready to shred me to pieces. I squeeze my eyes and wait for it to bite into me, but it doesn't.

Instead, it slowly closes its mouth around my body, gently holding me. It picks me up again and turns around. I stop myself from squirming. I can feel its sharp teeth; I'll probably stab myself if I move even an inch. "What are you doing? Where are we going?" I ask it. It doesn't respond in any kind of way.

It stops to sniffs the air, then starts walking again. It walks into the woods, and a few minutes pass before it stops.  It puts me down on a rock and looks into my eyes. It sniffs me and puts its head down, exposing the top of it. I cautiously put my hand on it, rubbing it.

Its tail starts wagging again, and it pants a little. "You're kinda cute." I say to it. It looks up and licks my hand with the tip of its tongue. "Aww." I say, but I focus myself. "Hey, uh, why did you bring me here?" I ask it. It smells me and whimpers. "HUH!? Are you saying I stink!?" I exclaim. No way I just got called smelly by an oversized dog.

Its ears suddenly perk up, twisting in the direction we came from. It turns around and lays on its belly. It looks behind it and up at me. It semi-growls and looks down at it's back, then up at me again. "D-Do you want me to get on your back?" I ask it. It nods. So it can understand me! I get down off the rock and carefully climb onto its back.

Once I've safely mounted the wolf-thing, it quickly stands up, and I tightly grab its huge mane of fur. Which proves to be the right move, because it immediately starts running through the woods! "AAAH!! SLOW DOWN!!" I yell. I duck just before a branch whacks me in the face. I stay low, keeping my body and head down.

Its fur is so soft! I almost forget we're running at, like, 29 miles per hour!! Eventually, he stops, and we're back in my yard. The wolf whines and approaches my house. It stands on its hind legs and holds itself up against my home. It lays its head on my room's window, so I ask "Do you want me to climb into my room?" It nods.

I begin to wonder how it even knows this is my room, but I don't think too hard about it. I climb onto his head and open the window, crawling in. "Thanks for the ride, I guess?" I say to it. It sniffs me again and whimpers. "Okay, I get it! I'll get in the shower!" I respond. It gets down and goes back to the woods.

What a weird wolf-thing.

I gather some pajamas and a towel and head into my bathroom. I start the water and hop in. While I wash my hair, I begin to wonder what the hell it was that could've scratched that wolf like that! Why did it end up in my backyard? Is the thing that scratched it still here? Will that wolf thing come back?



After a few more minutes, I turn off the water and get out, drying myself off. I put my pajamas on and go to my room. I start texting Taylor about what just happened before my dad calls me downstairs. I start getting anxious. Does he know I just came in from outside? Maybe he heard me screaming?

"Coming!!" I call down. I slowly make my way down the stairs, trying to think of every scenario I can to prepare to answer with lies. Once I'm downstairs, I see dad sitting on the couch. "Y-Yeah? What's up?" I ask.

"We need to talk." He says. My blood runs cold.

Oh boy.

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