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Chapter three - heavy mortal hopes

Via was nothing if not stubborn and it took Phoenix and Terra almost a week to get the girl to come out of her room and actually attend her classes, even when she did leave the suite she was basically still in her pyjamas.

"I'm just saying V, wearing an oversized tracksuit that you slept in last night is not gonna get you any points in the potential girlfriend department." Phoenix nudged the girls side as Beatrix hurried through the canteen.

"Why should I dress up to get a girl's attention, I'm more concerned about my dad right now." Via frowned up at her bestfriend.

"If she's gonna make an effort then it should be for herself, not someone else." Terra smiled across the table.

"Will the pair of you pack it in, I'm dressing how I feel."

"You feel like a depressed gremlin then?" Stella leant on the table.

"Piss off princess." Via rolled her eyes.

Stella let out a huff of air, "your brother told me, to tell you, that he needs you. He's worried about Silva."

Although Via and Stella didn't get along, Via knew that the girl would always let her know if something was bothering Sky. Probably because most of the time Via was the best solution to his problems.

" Okay, thank you." Via stood from the table and turned to ask Stella where he was but she'd already walked off.

"Need company?"

"I'll be fine Nix, I promise I won't run straight back to my room." She smiled.

"See you later." Terra called as the girl walked away.

Via used her powers as she walked towards the specialist hall, weeding out everyone who wasn't Sky. He was sat on a stone bench looking up at the clouds, she half smiled remembering when they'd spend hours in the field's around their home seeing how many shapes the clouds could make.

Blocking his view, Sky smiled up at her, "there you are."

"Here I am." She shrugged.

"Can we spar, away from everyone please." He pouted.

Via nodded, "come on then."

The two of them walked to one of the secluded areas of the garden, neither of them wanting to actually talk about the thing they were both feeling.

"No mind tricks." Sky poked at the centre of her forehead.

Via let out a fake gasp, "I wouldn't dream of it."

Sky threw her one of the two combat sticks he'd brought and she caught it with ease, the two of them both beginning to circle each other. They started to spar and Via immediately knew that Sky was more worried than he was letting on, every punch, kick and hit was fuelled with the pent up nervous energy that he clearly wasn't using during his actual training sessions with Silva.

When the two of them were both covered in sweat and laying in the grass equally defeated, Via poked his side with the stick.

"You can tell me if your worried about dad, you know." She panted.

"Your the worrier of the family V."

"Mhm, true. But I'm also a mind fairy and I know how your feeling, so go on, spill." She sat up against a plant pot.

Sky hauled himself into a sitting position, using a towel to wipe sweat off his face. "He just... he's back working already and he's obviously still suffering, I just think he's taking too much on."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2022 ⏰

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