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After a few hours, the sun had set by this point, I noticed something outside that worried me immensely. Something was lurking outside my window. It appeared as a tall, white and skinny man. Perhaps a....slender man.
I call out to him "Heyyyy Daddy~ 😫"

He looked at me but he was looking at me already, but oh well. Then....he dispeered!

"Ugh, why does every man have to disappear on me?!" I cry, and put on my thick eyeliner. It runs down my face like an ebony river, and my favorite song plays in the background....

I miss Mr. Fine.....but...I can't stop thinking about the tall, white man outside.

Was he real? What does he want with me?
And, most importantly..... what's that sound outside?

The Death of Dr. SexWhere stories live. Discover now