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The humans have started calling this the Archon War.

Many Gods are vying for control of Sumeru, and the fighting will only grow in intensity. Already, many humans are dying by the day as the conflict is prolonged. You know this fact well. Another fact you know well ━ it is inevitable that your friends and allies will surely be hurt in the process.

But not Haitham.

Never Haitham.

You've always thought of him as the strongest person you know, but now, it truly dawns upon you how fragile humans are, and just how easily they can be hurt.

Your expression hardens into granite. It isn't often that you're truly roused to anger like this, but seeing Haitham injured causes rage to rise in your chest until you can scarcely breathe.

"You should have called for me." Anguish colours your tone a deep indigo. "Why didn't you call for me?"

Haitham holds perfectly still as a wave of Dendro energy washes over his wounds. He watches, almost in a clinical fascination as the torn skin begins stitching itself back together. His expression never once wavers from the pain. "You were needed elsewhere."

"I would have come." Frustration and anger vibrate through your words. "I would have ━" Protected you.

You don't say that. You try to, but the words fail you, and wrap around your throat instead, so tightly you think that they'll kill you. You stare at your hands, and think of your friends, each of them fighting to protect their own parcels of land, and the people under their care. You think of how isolated you are, and how much better it would be if the three of you could come together, protecting each other as you've always done.

As you think this, a plan already begins to form in your mind. Haitham straightens as your expression changes, and struggles to sit up. You have to force him back down onto the mattress, and it's almost a battle, even with him in a weakened state.

"What?" He asks. "What is it?"

"Have faith and wait for me," You tell him, your confidence growing. You feel buoyant suddenly, like your feet aren't quite touching the ground. You can do this. You can protect everyone. "I will definitely return."

whatever you left behind, became all of me.Where stories live. Discover now