As I step out of the tank, I see a massive crater. I had no idea how bad the damage was. I stay a few steps behind Aaron and Juliette. She looks scared, that's the reaction I wished I could have. I stay close to the tank to give Aaron and Juliette some space but it doesn't look like they are saying much. I watch how they interact with each other, it's quite sweet. Aaron cafes so much for her and I can see her starting to reciprocate those feelings. It makes me wish we hadn't left, that I hadn't left Kenji there. I guess it's a good thing that we did leave, though. I would have died otherwise. Aaron's voice pulls me out of my thoughts;

"Juliette, get down!" He shouts as he tackles her to the ground. Gunshots are fired around us. Aaron spares me a quick look before attempting to speak to Juliette.

"GET AWAY FROM HER, YOU WORTHLESS SACK OF SHIT!" A voice yells, His voice, I duck behind the tank. Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, he's alive. Thank god.

"Kenji, no." Juliette tries to tell him, but he is to busy yelling at my brother to pay much attention to her.

"Get up! You coward. Get up!" He bellows. I can't see what's happening but I assume he's moving closer to them. He stops shouting as my brother rounds the corner of the tank and appears beside me. I stare at him. He looks back at me confused.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing." He replies, still staring at me.

"Where the hell did Warner go?" Kenji asks her. "You were with him, right? I'm not losing my mind?"

"No, you're not losing your mind. Listen, Warner brought me here but he's not trying to fight. He told me about Omega Point and I didn't believe him so I asked him to show me proof-"

Kenji cuts her off; "Is that right? He came here to show off what they did? To show you how many people he murdered? Did he tell you how many children were in there? How many of our men and women were slaughtered? Come back here you sick bastard!" He screams. His words come with an edge of hatred that I've never heard from him before. I do get how hurt he must be. All of this work, destroyed. Aaron's disappeared again. I can hear Kenji coming back. All of a sudden Aaron's back beside me and climbing into the tank. I follow him and as soon as we get back in the tank I ask;

"What just happened, Aaron?"

"We're coming back in four hours, unless you would like to stay behind."

"No, I'm coming with you."

"Okay, good." We don't speak for the rest of the ride. He checks through some of the housing and storage units.


I worry that something bad will happen to Aaron or me, or even Juliette, surprisingly. Aaron has barely spoken for the past few hours and is still fiddling with something in his jacket pocket. I had asked what it was an hour ago but he  wouldn't give me a solid answer. He looks at me and sighs. I raise my eyebrows at him. He sighs again. He isn't telling me something.

"You do realize you're going to have to tell me what's happening sooner rather than later, right?"

He's quiet as he tries to figure out how to respond to me.

"I'm not oblivious, Aaron, and I'd prefer to not be treated as though I am ten years old. You need to tell me."

"We've got to go now, I'll explain on the way."

We make it to our destination quick enough and after my little tirade, Aaron has explained to me exactly what happened.

"Is that good enough, y/n?" He asks me after he's done.

"Yes, thank you." Finally.

It's a short walk through some of the compounds before we get to what I presume is where Juliette and Kenji are. Aaron knocks calmly on the door. I hear rustling inside before the door swings open. Six different guns welcome us. I look at Aaron who is acting very calm, rolling my eyes I look towards Juliette who is glancing between Aaron, me, and the multiple guns pointing at us.  Aaron smiles at her and she starts to move towards him.  Kent grabs her arm and pulls her back.

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