7 | Pact

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- Ramshackle Dorm -

Opening the door of the dorm, (Name) heard a blast of fire coming upstairs. Attracting her attention, she went upstairs to see Yuu, Grim, and a ghost version of Crowley were seen in the area...

     "What is happening here?" (Name) asked, placing the cleaning materials nearby. Crowley came back to his normal form, he then took Yuu's shoulders, "I couldn't believe someone as you can tame a familiar as fierce as him."

     "MYAH! IT'S THAT GIRL AGAIN!" Grim screamed in fear, hiding beneath Yuu's robe. She looked at the cat, giving him a sinister smile, "We meet again, Grim." She waved her hand to him.

     Crowley grabbed Yuu's face, "My senses have been telling me there's gonna be an uproar today... This must be the uproar I've been sensing since earlier," the Headmaster stated. Removing his hold on Yuu's face, "You have the talent to be a beast tamer... But no matter how—" the next words are inaudible.

     "Headmaster, can Grim stay here with me?" Yuu asked all of the sudden. It caused the crow-masked man to give him a mean look, "What's that now? Let a monster live with you?"

     "Pardon me for interrupting, but Grim seems to be useful in many ways. He helped Yuu-san get rid of the ghost version of you, isn't it? It proves his worth," (Name) interrupted. Yuu and Grim nodded in agreement to Barbatos's statement, making Crowley sigh in defeat, "It can't be helped. Alright..."

     "Wah?! Really?!" Grim gasped in happiness.

     "Thanks, (Name)-san!" Yuu hugged the demoness, who seems to be surprised by the gesture. "But under one condition!" Crowley interrupted their happy cheering, "I can't let someone, a monster, linger here even tho they weren't selected by the Dark Mirror. And you, Yuu-san, I can't let you freeload because you're magic-less."

     (Name) placed her hand under her chin, thinking about how to help Yuu if he was in danger. After all, he's a human and fragile in many possible ways. Grim, on the other hand, groaned in annoyance because of Crowley's announcement. "Talk about a short-lived joy—"

     "Wait! Don't interrupt me, I'm not finished!" Crowley reprimanded the cat. "I can't fight the fact you were called here, tho you're magic-less. It's the responsibility of the higher-ups or me as one of the owners of the Dark Mirror. In the meantime, you're permitted to stay here for free."

     "That sounds kind of you, Headmaster," (Name) complimented the Principal. The crow-masked man coughed, hiding his blush within his mask, "Considering the fact you are no one in this world, Yuu-san... I have a proposal."

     "What kind of proposal?" He asked, he was completely nervous at this point.

     "No need to fret," the Headmaster assured the young man. "I'll have you and Grim as the janitors of this school. That'll make you two special permissions inside the school!!! If you want to help me find a way back to your home, you can use the library after the cleaning duties only." He added. "For I am gracious!"

     "Eh?! I'm not fine with that!" Grim complained, punching the Headmaster's legs. "I want to wear that fancy uniform and attend magic classes!" He added. It made the Headmaster take Grim from the bow tie, "It is fine if you're not into it, I can have you out of this school again."

     Grim tried to scratch the Headmaster, but he fell before he could even touch him. He crossed his arms on the floor, huffing in disbelief, "I just have to do it! Just do it!" The Headmaster smiled and clapped his hands, "Then starting tomorrow, you two will be the best janitors in Night Raven College!"

And that, the Headmaster left the three of them. Grim was still in dismay, entering the biggest room within the dorm. A few snores were heard from the room and complete silence. That leaves (Name) and Yuu, who weren't talking since earlier...

     "I know you're a demon," Yuu finally cut the silence. "I have seen your name in the Bible and Historical books back in my home. You're Barbatos, one of the known demons in Hell."

     (Name) laughed, amused, "You surely are a captivating human, Yuu-san. Too smart for your good, if I must say." She looked at him with the same smile. "Why aren't you scared? Is it because I'm in my human form? Is that it?"

     "It's not that. You saved me earlier and I owe you that after all," Yuu disagreed. "I want to make a contract with you, you seem to be one of the nicest demons in Hell. You're not as hostile and mean as the ones written in the books."

     "You watch too much anime," she said to him. "It's not called contract and I'm not hostile towards humans if not needed. We call the bond between a demon and a human a pact, you should do some digging later, Yuu-san. You lack a little information about demons."

     "Please, make a pact with me! I'll offer what I need to offer!" Yuu stated. (Name) tilted her head, "I only make pacts with someone worthy enough. It takes a long to convince, Yuu-san, but since you're a fragile human... I might make an exception for you."

She then touched the floor of the dorm, causing a low earthquake. A large black circle appeared with red candles surrounding the circle, an insignia of Barbatos appeared between, and a wisp of black smoke came from (Name)...

     "Come, sit," she told Yuu, offering her white-gloved hand. Her outfit completely changed into a dark, white-trimmed tailcoat with teal-to-black ombre frills on the cuffs and right shoulder. The coat is bound together over a triangular geometric undershirt by a delicate gold chain wrapped around the last two buttons. "You seem to be surprised by my demon form, Yuu-san." Her forked tail glistened through the darkness and her horns looked like black skeleton hands.

     "No, I'm not afraid of your demon form," Yuu denied.

Taking both Yuu's hands, they both closed their eyes. (Name) was chanting a spell without uttering a word, only mouthing it. The wisps of smoke surrounding (Name) turned into a demon mark of hers, going to the back of Yuu. It did sting since Yuu let a yelp when he already received the mark...



(✔︎) ❝𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐁𝐔𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐑❞Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant