Part 1 (Tips)

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HI! here are some tips.

if you want to write down spells u can use a grimoure.

No matter what you do, do not draw pentagrams on the floor. I have made that mistake a week ago and it has summoned multiple unwanted spirits into my house. If you want to summon an entity make sure you know what you are doing first, and make sure you close off ur ritual/ spell at the end. But leave the summoning to the more advanced :))

Don't rush, take ur time too study and don't give up! you would want to study before you start working with magic because something may go wrong. 

You might want to give yourself a witch name. If you just want to go by ur regular name that totally fine!

In witchcraft, you don't have to worship or work with a deity, god or goddess. But you can if you want!

(Make sure you search up the deitys or gods/goddess's youre drawn too. Learn about them also)

Do not use white sage or white sage insence unless your native. 

You can use any book/ note book for a grimoure.


you do't have to be wiccan to study witchcraft :)

Witch craftOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora