Chapter ONE

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A green backpack and a red labelled soda bottle walk out of a store, most likely a convenience store, after purchasing a laptop charger. The two head to a nearby café as the smaller of the pair is aware that it has sockets on the walls for them to charge the laptop. Perks of knowing your way around San Francisco I suppose. Both of the males enter and order a simple cup of water while they wait for the laptop to have somewhat of a decent percentage. Once the water arrives, they make a toast about the show they're going to stop. It was a nice moment, nothing could ruin their hard work now. I mean, it has been what? A week or two maybe since the backpack, or Liam, arrived at the taller one's apartment and convinced him to help with the situation, they've been through thick and thin together, what could possibly stop them now?

Their waters were soon finished and the laptop was halfway charged, should be enough to last until they get back to earth. A slight conversation is started up by the soda bottle or otherwise known as Bryce.

B: "We're gonna have to stay out of sight when Texty teleports us to that place. Know anywhere?"

L: "Uh, yeah. It was where I spent my first night back when it hailed and when I first looked at the notes. No-one is around the spot, so it should be safe. I'll bring us to it."

B: "Alright."

The pair continued to walk down the street until Liam stopped at a back alley, puzzling the bottle.

B: "You didn't sleep in a back alley, did you?"

L: "Well-"

B: "You don't need to answer it. But are you sure that no-one will see us?"

Bryce questions as they both walk down the alley and stand beside a bin.

L: "Positive."

And just like that, someone walked out of one of the buildings that had a door leading out to the alley, garbage bag in hand. They didn't pay attention to the two men and continued to throw out their trash before walking back to the building. Bryce looked at Liam.

L: "Wh- They weren't there last time! We're fine!"

B: "I know. Now come on, you wanna go or not?"

Liam takes the laptop out from his side zip and asks Texty to run a command on them, which the text box agrees to do.

L: "Are you ready, Texty?"

T: [Ready when you are.]

L: "After this is finished and we come back to earth again, promise you'll come visit?"

B: "I don't know...Australia seems pretty far away!"

The pair chuckle at Bryce's reference to Liam's lie back at the store before they're interrupted by Texty. They ask if they're ready, to which both of the boys agree to. A countdown is started by the text box but before they could reach one, Bryce disappeared, leaving Liam confused and slightly panicked while he shouted the taller male's name before dissappearing himself, laptop as well. Both are unaware of what happened, one of the two will find themselves in a dark room, only illuminated by something behind him. Bryce stood in the room and was facing some vines by the looks of it. Where's Liam? Where is he? What is this place? How did he get here? What does he do? How does he leave? Soon enough though, his thoughts are stopped once an all too familiar voice speaks.

"Welcome back..Soda Bottle.."

Their voice was dead and monotone, no emotion in it. Bryce knew exactly who it was, he didn't need to turn around to confirm it..but he did, he didn't know what that stupid excuse for a host looked like. So he did turn and was faced with a lantern of sorts. This is what Airy looked like? Is he sitting at a desk with a computer and......the Plane? It was a planet?

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