Chapter Three: Shie Hassaikai Raid

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After a few weeks of hero studies with Fatgum they had gotten word where the Hassaikai were hiding also thanks to Midoriya they also knew of a small child being held against her will and being experimented on it's been a week but now today is finally the day they raid their hideout and save the girl named Eri

When suddenly there was a loud bang and the underlings of the Hassaikai flooded out into the street the Fatgum agency and the nighteye agency ran past the fighting and into the house alone with Mr. Aizawa a few other pro heros

"It's an emergency! Excuse us for not taking off our shoes!" Fatgum yelled running in "they haven't done anything suspicious yet"
"Im getting kind of worried man" Rock lock said "we have no choice but to keep going now that we've started though"
"I wonder if someone licked information to them i feel like they're all gathered in one place for a reason" Tamali Amajiki hero name Suneater said
"If someone had i think they'd be avoiding us more smartly they should all be used to working together" a police man said
"They devoted their all to their bond with their boss and brother they might feel ashamed now but that makes them put more importance on their old bonds this commotion and Chisaki and the top brass haven't shown themselves yet they're probably underground getting ready to hide or flee right now" Aizawa said
"Thsts not loyaity! Forcing their henchmen to take responsibility and running away themselves isnt manly!" Kirashima yelled
"Yeah!" Fatgum nodded in agreement
"Here" Nighteye said stopping at opening in the wall "there is a device here to open a hidden passage by holding down these wooden floorboards in a specific order it'll open"

When the doors open suddenly a group of people came running out trying to block their advancement but it didn't last a few heroes took them down telling them to move forward as they moved they came on a wall blocking them Kirashima and Midoriya looked at each other and nodded

"Shoot style!" Midoriya yelled running to the wall
"Red Gauntlet" kirashima yelled hardened his left arm taking out the wall

As they moved on the walls started to move and shift making it hard to stand separating the heroes from the police in different rooms and then suddenly they were sucked into a hole in the floor deeper underground where they were approached by three villains

"A hall?" Midoriya asked
"We're getting further and further away from our goal!" Rock Lock said "it looks like they've got us good!"
"Hey hey hey hey some government authorities have fallen from the sky strange things happen huh?" A villain laughed
"It looks like they're really ready for a fight it's about time we showed them the strength of pro--" Fatgum began but was cut off by Suneater
"Save the strength of pros for the goal.... For the ones stalling for time I'll be enough by myself" Suneater said
"What are you saying? Let's work together!" Kirashima said
"Yeah work together I'll kill all of you" one of the villain said
"It's Setsuno! We can't use our guns against him!" The police chief said "Heroes it's up to you!"
"You figured it out huh? Oh well" Setsuno said charging at them "it just makes it easier to go wild!"
"We won't let you!" Aizawa glared using his wrap and erasing Setsunos quirk "throw away your sword!"
"I can't use it" Setsuno held up his hand
"He erased his Quirk.." Another villain asked holding up a gun "an inferior version of Eri's quirk I've heard that a hero like that exists but it doesn't matter what we should be doing is blocking them that's all"
"Swords and bullets will just slink into my body it'll be better for you if you give up now" Fatgum said
"Threats like that just make you sound like you fear for your life" Setsuno said
"Since Erasterhead erased your Quirk we can use our weapons" the police chief yelled "resign yourselves and surrender"
"At fat agency we eat tons of takoyaki so I'm really good at using octopus and since I was shot before I'm more alert to guns like this!" Sunester said
"But Suneater!" Kirashima said
"It won't do any goof gor us to all fight against them with so many pro heroes stopped here we're playing right into their hands" Suneater said "we should save the pros quirks including Erasers for later fatgum it it's me I can completely shut down all three of them!"
"Let's go!" Fat gum said
"Fat..." Kirashima said as he followed
"To the door!" Aizawa yelled
"Hey hey hey wait wait!" Setsuno said about to use his quirk but Aizawa erased it again
And then takes out one of the villains himself
"Amajiki I used my Quirk on the three of them bind them up before the efforts wears off" Aizawa said running out
"Fat!  You're going to leave him alone like that what are you thinking??" Kirashima  asked worried
"He's stronger than everyone here... But he was weak emotionally he crushed himself with pressure to do things perfectly he climbed up to become part of U.A's big three under those conditions someone like that declared that he could completely shut them down so all I can do is leave it to him" fat gum said as he ran
"Amajiki... I wonder if he's all right I can't help but worry about him..." Kirashima said
"Yeah" Midoriya nodded
"But once you've left him to guard your back you'll trust him to do it if you're a man!" Fat gum said to Kirashima
"I'm sure he'll be fine!" Kirashima yelled nodding
"That  just makes you seem like someone who's easily swayed!" Midoriya said shocked at the turn around
" I'm worried  but all I can do is trust him!" Kirashima said
"We can't waste a second of the time Suneater got for us!" Fatgum said
"Alright!" Kirashima yelled
"This is strange it's weird that the guy who was moving the basement hasn't shown any movement" Aizawa said
"Now that you mention it nothing's twisting or turning" Midoriya nodded looking around
"If he isn't putting any obstacles in our way while we're running then our opponent might not be able to observe and control the whole basement there's the police squad that remained above maybe he's focusing his attention on them" Aizawa said
"Are you saying that he's limited in the area he can keep tabs on?" Rock lock asked
"It's just a prediction he went into the basement to control it if it's not that he has been assimilated into it but that he's moving around inside the walls to see and hear what's going on then when he'd manipulating the basement it's possible that his body I'd also close" Aizawa said

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2022 ⏰

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