4-So beautiful and pure

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Lucifer's pov

I entered the conference room a bit late than the time set for today's meeting. I apologized and gestured them to start their presentation. The meeting went by in a haze I was completely distracted by a pair of bluish green eyes that I saw yesterday at Adam's place.

My assistant asked me about what should be done but I was completely clueless so replied, "I agree with whatever benefits the company but if I find any loopholes or issues in future I'm going to fire you Mr Grace". I trust him with the decisions as he is experienced and selects only the best for the company.

I left the room and entered the elevator to leave for my apartment. I met her yesterday, the epitome of beauty, Savannah, long waist length brownish hair with pale skin, small freckles covering her nose and cheeks, innocent green eyes with speckles of blue in them and enticing smooth looking small lips. I was excited to see her again today. She have to go wedding dress shopping with my mom and I have to pick her up from her house.

I reached home, took a quick shower and got ready in a black suit as I have another meeting to attend after dropping her at my mom's place. I settled in my car and waited for these agonizing fifteen minutes to pass away quickly. I'll marry her tomorrow and I can't keep my eagerness at bay anymore.

I have waited for seven years to have her beside me, to love her, protect her and give her all that she desires. My cute little kitten has turned into a wonderful woman now. So beautiful and pure and all mine forever.

My driver Peter, interrupted my thoughts and informed that we have reached. I kept calm and entered her house."Call Savannah I need to take her for dress shopping" I told her elder sister Julia. She was glaring at me but obeyed at last.

Savannah descended the stairs and I got struck at her beauty as always. She will amaze me for the rest of my life."Let's get going, after you" I gestured her to walk ahead. She is wearing another pair of hoodie and sweat pants but today the colour is maroon which definitely makes her glow more. While observing I noticed she is nervous and a bit scared so i said, "don't worry everything will be fine." I thought she won't reply or talk to me so I should stop initiating a conversation.

But then she spoke up in her honey like voice, "it's just that I haven't completed my studies yet. My exams are still a month away and I haven't started preparing over that this wedding which I'm completely clueless about. I'm just worried about how everything will fall in place" and she stopped suddenly. I found it cute, she stared at me wide eyed obviously realising she ranted her issues in front of a stranger.

I gave a small smile and tried to assure her, "the wedding is tomorrow and after that you can continue with your studies. Our honeymoon will be postponed and nothing else will bother you while you prepare for your exams."

She was still tensed but gave a half hearted smile that made my smile grow more. We reached at mom's places and I helped her out of the car. She thanked me and waited for me to guide her as my mom lives in a huge mansion which gets a bit confusing sometimes.

"Hello mom, I missed you so much. Look I have the "bride to be" here with me" mom hugged me tight and hurriedly pushed me aside as I informed about Savannah. She looked her for few minutes with blurry eyes and then immediately pulled her in a bone crushing hug. Savannah was shocked and took a full minute to register that she is getting a hug.

She recovered and made a failed attempt of responding to the hug."Mom you are scaring her, enough of the love for today, you guys will get late for the shopping. Do you want me to drop you two?" she replied almost instantly, "no no you get going young man, your duty is over for today. Get the meetings done today and I sure will kick your ass if you work for next fifteen days."

I raised my hands in mock surrender and left the two ladies to enjoy the rest of the day. I miss her already but I'll come back soon and drop her home.

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