Part 1 - Moving In

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"5 miles until I get to my 1 year of absolute doom" I said to James, who is on speaker phone, on the passenger seat of my car.

" Well, it's only a year, after that you can drop out and come back to LA!" Said James.

"I'm just gonna' miss you a lot" I said sadly, as I took a left turn towards the college.

" I have to hang up now. I'm about to go out to my sister's party so I will call you later on today, and tell me all of the stuff that you have done" James said.

"Yeah, okay. I'm gonna' miss you, bye!" I said as i hung up. I drove past a sign saying '2 miles until NYC college', and  i began to get butterflies in my gut. I'm going to a completely different place to home, and I'm not going to know anyone there. Today's going to be hard. In the distance I could see a tall building, with a tall, pointy roof, and brown bricks. " I guess I made it" I said aloud to myself.

I  drove up the long, busy road to the driveway of the college. I could see loads of cars in front of me, trying to get access inside the college. The college I'm arriving at is a really highly-rated college, and there is a lot of safety. I drove up to the barrier and wound down my window. "Name?" Said the man, holding a clipboard.

"Nicki. Nicki Summers" I said to the man, who was flicking through the papers on the clipboard, trying to find my name. The man nodded, and clicked the button, opening the barrier for me to drive through. I drove for another 2 minutes until I found the car park. I drove into a space and stopped the engine. I lay my head on the steering wheel and gave out a long sigh. I'm not going to enjoy being here. I guarantee it!

I got out of my black Toyota, and slammed the door closed. I little more forcefully than I thought.

" Hey, be careful. That car is a beauty!" Said a person standing behind me. I turned around and saw a guy standing there. He was quite tall, with brown, floppy hair. He was leaning against the car parked next to mine.

"Sorry, Im not really looking forward to the 'college experience'" I said leaning against my car. He smirked at me and began walking towards me. He extended his hand, obviously wanting to shake it.

"Tate." He said still smirking. I took his hand and shook it, looking quite confused.

"Err, I'm Nicki" I said heading towards the boot of my car. I pumped open the trunk and grabbed my huge, black suitcase. I struggled to lift it out the car, but Tate came and helped me.

"Here I'll take this." He said holding my suitcase. "I'm supposed to be helping people get to the college anyway."

"Oh, you're not a 'newbie'" I said surprised. He gave me another smirk and started walking towards the big building. I grabbed my black, Vans rucksack and locked my car. I ran up behind him quickly and started to walk with him towards the building. I could see hundreds of young people with suitcases, all going to the same destination I was going to. I felt really uncomfortable knowing that I'd be living in the same building with so many people. I was looking at the trees to my left until I bumped into the back of Tate.

"Sorry" I said apologetically. " I wasn't looking where I was going"

"Its okay, we're here now anyways" he said with a small smile. I looked in front of me and saw the huge building staring down at me. My mouth opened slightly at the sight of how huge it was.

"You need to go to the reception area and ask for your key to your room. You then need to unpack and start going to some classes." He said, handing me back my suitcase. I smiled and took the suitcase. I walked towards the doors of the gigantic building, and waved to Tate. He waved back and started to walk back to the car park. At least I know someone! I opened the doors, and saw like 12 dozen people, walking around trying to find their rooms. I sighed and walked towards a lady standing behind a table.

"Excuse me, can you tell me where to find my room?" I asked quietly.

"Yes, can you tell me your name please." The lady said with a smile on her face. She was quite an old woman, maybe somewhere in her fifties, and she had short, blond hair(obviously dyed) and she wore a black blazer jacket, black pencil skirt, and a white blouse.

"Nicki. Nicki Summers" I said to the lady. She smiled at me. She obviously knows who my brother is. Sam went to this college 2 years ago. He was a really popular guy.

"You're Sam's little sister aren't you! You do look the same." Said the lady, handing me the keys to my dorm room. I smiled at her and began to walk towards the stair case. I hate it when people say me and Sam look alike! It is so annoying. I went up 2 flights of stairs, until I found corridor F. My room was F16. I walked down the corridor until I found the door to my dorm room. The door was brown and wooden, and it had F16 engraved into it in gold. My heart started to pump a little quicker when  I realised the door was opened slightly.

"Oh god... A roommate!" I whispered to myself. I completely forgot that I would have to have a roommate. The idea of it just made me want to barf. I just hope she wasn't social like me. I pushed the door open slightly, and I could see a girl inside hanging things in her wardrobe. I walked in and took the right side of the room. Thank God that this college has double beds! I wouldn't be able to stand sleeping in a single. The girl turned around and opened her mouth widely.

"OMG!!! YOUR MY ROOMMATE!" She screamed as she dropped the T-shirt she was holding, and ran towards me to hold me in a hug. Oh God. She's one of those people. She let go of the hug and started to giggle. I was in absolute terror. She is going to want to speak to me, and I'm not comfortable with that. She had brown, straight hair, tied back into a pony tail. She wore a lot of makeup and she wore a skirt and T-shirt.

"Hi. My name is Zoella, and we are going to be best friends this year" she said pulling me into another hug.

"Errr, hi. I'm Nicki." I said quietly as she squose me tighter. She finally let go and went back to doing whatever she was doing. I stood there still, for a good 2 minutes. I was completely shocked at who I'm going to be stuck with for A YEAR! She is not the kind of person I like. I finally closed the door behind me, and made my way over to my side of the room. I didn't pack much stuff. I had that huge suitcase, because my PC was inside it. I can't live without my PC. I placed my suitcase on my bed and opened it up. I grabbed my PC and placed it carefully on the desk under my window. I plugged it in and waited for it to work. It finally started to turn on. Yes! I went back to my suitcase and put the few clothes I brought in the wardrobe. I then put up some posters on my wall. A marvel poster, a supernatural poster, a Sherlock poster and a lord of the rings poster. I turned around and saw Zoella looking at me. She was furrowing her eyebrows, almost like she was annoyed.

" what's up?" I said curiously.

"You're one of those girls, aren't you?" She sighed disappointedly. She folded her arms and kept staring at me, waiting for my answer.

"By 'one of those girls' you mean a geek?" I said, feeling slightly insulted. She sighed and walked towards me. She placed her hand on my left shoulder and said " it's okay. Just be careful. I can tell you're a nice person, but there are some people in this school who don't really like the whole geek thing" she said worriedly. She turned around and walked out of the door into the hallway. She looked like she knew one of those people. I looked around my side of the room and it felt complete. I placed my hands on my hips and nodded, looking at the amazingness of my wall. All I need to do now is find some classes to take.

Just My Luck // Jacksepticeye college AUWhere stories live. Discover now