Lost soul

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It was again night
I with my teary pillow remembering that person who will never return
I see them everyday
I talk to them everyday
I just wish somewhere in those conversations to get back that person
i guess is lying dead inside
I pray to god for glimpse of them
I fail everyday in every conversation
Still I talk to them everyday
May be on a random day i could see it.... i could feel it
I tried my best to look for that lost soul
I see that face every
I see that person
I want to roar and ask where is that person whom i miss
But everyday I fail to express
Whenever I see the body of the person
I hug it tightly... With just one wish to look for that old version of it
I get the same fragrance.... same voice.... same cloth but not the same person
I accept the fact
      "people do change"
but what to do with this foolish heart                It's not ready to accept that updated version
My only prayer to God is...
Again on a random day i get that soul on a unknown curve of life
I want to confess how much I love that soul and how much I'm dying talk to them...
I don't want to tell her....
may be she won't believe me
But my dearest soft toy knows it all...
My pillow knows how much i Miss her... My god knows how much I miss her
Though people ask you miss ur dearest one... I tell yup... But I talk to her when ever I miss her....
But i don't want to talk to the person....
I want to talk to that soul whom I have lost

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