Chapter 43 : Soul land

Start from the beginning

He picked it up and unfolded it, looking at the deed for a property in Westview, New Jersey.

Alex went out of his way to try and look for a place to spend the rest of his life with Wanda in.

He wanted to settle down instead of checking into hotels every other week while on the run. Vision helped, and found a place in New Jersey that was both nice and pretty isolated.

Having Vision as a close friend was a blessing. He'd always visit and spend time with the two of them throughout their two years away from the United States. Alex offered him a place with him and Wanda in Westview, which was the least he can do since Vision was the one who acquired the place.

Vision said he'd think about it, him not being sure what Tony and everybody else would think. He did mention that he can permanently shut off his transponder though.

Alex kept looking at the deed, seeing both Wanda and his name on it. He even wrote in the middle of it and drew a heart over the text.

Alex smiled, he planned on one day surprising Wanda with it. Then maybe...propose to her in some way.

"Alex?" Wanda called out from the bed.

He snapped out of his thoughts, folding the paper and placing it back in his box. He closed the drawer and turned around.

"Sorry...just got lost in my thoughts." He replied.

"No need to apologize. Come."

Alex went over to the bed and laid near Wanda. She wrapped her arms around him and planted kisses on his shoulder. She knew he was hurting, and wanted to comfort him as much as she could.

"Sladké sny. (Sweet dreams.)" She said.

"Dobrú noc, moja láska. (Good night, my love.)" Alex


He saw the orange plains again. The wind blew across his face and he tried to shield his eyes.

He's been here several times before, and he remembers the first time he entered this realm. when he was hit by the soul stone.

It's not a place he can enter at will, it's very spontaneous. It's still a mystery to him.

Being connected in a way to the Infinity Stones, and in this case the Soul Stone, seemed to give him access to the realm. He hopes to one day fully understand it.

Alex walked along the plains of his vast orange surroundings. The area then started forming in a neighborhood, and once a few trees and houses appeared, he recognized it last time he saw his parents here


The house fully formed and Alex jogged over to it. Everything was still pretty blurry and had an orange tint, he didn't know what was real. He opened the door and went inside.

"Hello?" He called out.

Alex was in the living room. Everything looked as how it is in his real home, from the sofas, to the art on the wall, to the frames on the tables. He went over to one of them, picking it up and seeing a faint photo of him with his grandmother. That exact picture was taken about a year before his parents died.

"Welcome home, hun." A voice spoke behind him.

Alex put down the frame and looked back. There, he saw his grandmother standing by the sofa. It's been a while since he's seen her , he saw her when he was a kid

"Gra...Grandma?" He breathed out.

"You've been hurting. Come here." She extended her arms, offering him a hug.

Alex didn't hesitate and went over to embrace his grandmother.

He didn't know if this was real or just a dream. He didn't know if this was really the spirit of his grandmother of just a figment of what the Soulworld wanted him to see.

"What is this?" He asked as he continued to hug her.

She didn't answer the question and left the embrace to caress his cheek.

"All you need to know is that I love you, Alex. Even gone, I always will. We're proud of what you've become."


"Me. Your mother. Your father."

Alex's eyes widened. Even though he's been to the Soulworld several times already, he has yet to run into his parents.

"Where? Are...are they here?" He stuttered.

"You'll see them one day. You will."

Alex sighed. He should've known it wouldn't be that easy. It wasn't going to be like a lucid dream where things can go his way.

"I miss them, ma. And you too..." He started to speak as he looked down.

She interrupted him, "Are you happy?"

Alex looked back up at her.

"Are you happy with what you have right now?" She asked again.

"Yes...even though our circumstances aren't ideal, I am." He answered.

"Even with us gone, you are not alone. You don't have nothing, you'll always have something."

Alex thought of Wanda. He thought of Vision, Peitro He also thought of his current team that included Steve, Natasha, and Sam.

"Family isn't formed just by bloodlines, it's formed by the struggles and successes you and a unit go through together." She explained.

Alex nodded, understanding what his grandmother was saying. He needed to hear these words. He was glad to see his grandmother again.

"Thank you, Grandma."

"Before I go , this old , short gentleman told me to say something to you"

"old and short , is it Hephaestus"

"yes yes , that is him "

"what did he say grandma ??"

"he said that the future has lot worst in hold , and if you hesitate you will lose everything , be careful "

Hearing this alex was shocked 'what does it mean ?, what should i do ? , are my visions real ?? '

As he was thinking about all of this he felt a hand on his cheek and he saw that his grandma was vanishing

"Dont worry honey you will figure out what to do after all my grandson is a genius haha"

They hugged again, and their surroundings began to dissipate. Alex knew he was either waking up or being transported back out of the realm, but he still held his grandmother until everything disappeared.


He woke up, opening his eyes and seeing the ceiling above him. Wanda was asleep beside him, Alex hearing the rhythm of her breathing. He remembered the first couple times he's come to from these dreams and how he'd wake her with his yells. Now they are more calm, especially the one he just had.

Alex adjusted himself on the bed and faced the window, looking out of it and seeing the buildings of the town they stayed at.

He did have something that made him happy. He was grateful for everything he had now.

Nothing would be able to take that from him.........


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