Chapter 31: Why always green?!

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"UNFAIR! I'm only sharing something you should've told them already! Argh, fuck it then, I'm spilling all the tea now!"

"TALK, TALK, TALK!" Kana and Eri said in sync. Aizawa just walked back to the kitchen, too embarrassed to deal with this.

"I noticed some strange atmosphere between them two months ago. I think something happened and they got closer. Last week I saw the lovebirds going out together early at night, all dressed up."

"OMG~! Why didn't you follow them?!" Kana asked, punching his arm.

"Geez, Kana, I don't need to be traumatized by my dad after adult. Thanks, but no. Do it yourself if you're that curious to see it."

"Ew~" both girls cringed with the intrusive thoughts.

Soon the table was full of food, all the family feasting and joking around. Kana adore them so much, all people who support and love her truly, better than any blood-related relative she ever had.

Yagi Toshinori still being her supportive and silly uncle as always, now preparing himself to be Yuei's new director. With this he'll kind of not be retired anymore. His health still decreasing but resting a lot in his retirement as a hero helped him to get his body stronger, so he's dealing better with his old injuries.

Rumors that he found love in a sweet small woman with greenish hair.

Hizashi Yamada doesn't seem to get old at all, still being his loud and enthusiastic self, annoying the life out of his friend, Shota.

Chiyo Shuzenji, aka Recovery Girl, got fully retired before Kana graduated. The old lady is now focusing in relax and pass her knowledge to the next generation of healing heroes. Mainly Eri, being her mentor alongside Aizawa.

As already mentioned, Shota Aizawa opened his agency that focuses on underground vigilance, secret missions and espionage. That's where Kana and Hitoshi work under his mentoring, aside from other small heroes trying to follow the same path.

Kana works under his agency and also Thirteen's, like a shared contract. The fox is always out around the country to help people but makes some pauses to do important missions that Aizawa only trusts her.

Eri is still too young to go study in Yuei, but her training never stopped since her recovery from the abuses caused by Overhaul. She's progressing very well with the control of her quirk and her biggest inspiration is her old sister.

Who had a big improvement too was Hitoshi Shinso, that is also an Aizawa, but most forgot to mention it due to the late adoption. His self-esteem is way better now and he's more confident about his quirk after so many wells succeed missions he did under EraserHead's supervision.

In some way, they're always helping each other to be the best version of themselves, always ready to do anything for help or just show how much they care and love this odd and unique family.

Also doing their best to annoy the life out of the family.

"Soooo~ you're telling me that maybe we'll have a guest to our next Sunday's lunch?!" Hitoshi said all silly, clearly teasing his dad.

"Hitoshi Aizawa..." the man groaned.

"Or maybe two~!" Chiyo got in the game, teasing her old friend too.

"S-Shuzenji!" Yagi is all red now.

"HAHA! I KNEW IT!" Hizashi laughed.

"Why am I always the last to know the gossip in this family?!" Eri is clearly upset.

"I know nothing either! Spill, uncle Hizashi!" the purple one demanded.

"Wait, wait! I want to hear from uncle Yagi himself!" said man is so embarrassed that started to sweat.

The Powerful One: Deku x OC (MHA FANFIC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum