Chapter 2

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July 4, 2045

8 am in Mechcity's slums

The apartments here in the slums are full of roaches, trash, and mold. The people don't take care of them. Everything is abandoned here. The government gave up on these parts. Anything goes here. The murder here has increased. The gangs are growing in numbers.

It's raining. The drops smack the pavement, as a group of youngsters stand outside smoking, laughing at their sorry lives. The buildings are crumbling, paint on the houses is peeling off. The slums are full of lifeless, or desperate humans, or even ones who hate government. They enjoy living outside of the system that controls everything.


Walter lands the flight mobile, or more so crashes it. His sweaty palms grip the sides of his seat, as the ship takes impact, it sends him flying out of the windshield. He lands on his ass harshly, groaning in agony. He sits up. His face is bruised and his body aches.

He is rolling on his side, groaning when he hears a voice. A soft melodic tone, and it's a young man.

"Hey, you okay, sir?" He extends his perfect, unflawed hand, and Walter accepts it reluctantly realizing who it was. "Daedudulus Mneme." He says, slowly putting the pieces back together. He hoped it was all just a bad dream. But no he did escape the Ai building with an illegal Ai, that seems more human than the rest.

"Y-yes. I'm fine." He says, standing up. His legs betray him and he loses balance and falls. "ah, god!" He growls, trying to sit up again.

He looks over his shoulder at the flight mobile and sees the flames engulf it. He can feel the heat of the blazing fire from here. They're both a few feet away from it. When it crashed they both flew out. It gives him an unsettling thought, a dark thought. Somehow it reminds him of his past, the red, orange flames glaring, and burning his weary eyes.

Why can't he forget it? Just forget the past. He's forty-two. And he's still living in the past.

"Wait..." Walter stops and stares at Daedalus. He's unscathed how? "You're not hurt?"

"No, I don't think so. I left before you crashed it, sir. Sorry, I didn't get you." He lowers his eyes feeling guilty. "I don't think I can teleport with another person so..."

"You can teleport?" He scoffed in disbelief. "Prove it." Walter wobbled back onto his feet shifting his weight on a different foot. So, the excruciating pain wouldn't be as painful.

So, Daedudlus smirked when he closed his eyes and teleported.

Walter watched in disbelief. He saw the Ai then suddenly his figure disappeared, and he felt two hands on his shoulder. He turned around and saw the purple-eyed man smirking. "See I told ya."

"Jesus! Kid, you almost gave me a heart attack!"

"You're still hurt." He frowned, and suddenly Walter's body began glowing, and his wounds were healing. This was the Ai's doing. "I can also heal."

"Woah. Kid, you're amazing." He gasped, as his wounds were all gone. His clothes still had holes in them, and dry blood but there were no bruises or deep wounds.

"So, what now?"

"Hm, first Dae-"

"Dae?" Daedalus looked up at the old man. "Is that a nickname?"

Walter looked away. "No, of course not!"

Dae still has a big grin on his face. So, Walter continued. "Listen here, you robot man. I'm stuck with you. But I could leave your ass here if I wanted to be cruel. I mean Rod threw you at me. I-I don't know if he'll ever be back. But for now, we're stuck together. So, I want you to listen to me..."

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