☼Chapter 33 [The Revelation]

Start from the beginning

We were speeding and we made a turn on this narrow road, unfortunately there was a vehicle ahead. We were fast, but he was fast and drunk.

I had my helmet on so I just had a broken rib when I crawled towards you. The smell of gasoline and burning rubber filled my nostrils, but the sight of your limp body almost killed me. I rushed towards you, despite the difficulty I had in breathing.

"Asia, wake up," I said as I shook you, but you remained unconscious and blood was soaking your blonde hair, running down your face.

I prayed to all heavens that they keep you alive. I don't care about the consequences I might face I just prayed and prayed that you'll come out of this alive.

Blood and tears. We were both soaked in blood and tears, and I never felt so alone and damned my whole entire life.


I watched Aiden and I noticed tears streaking his cheek. His story broke my heart. He was beating himself up and my family bullied him, just because we unfortunately encountered a drunk driver? Why was Aiden being blamed for everything?

"Wow," I breathed.

"Yeah you can hate me now. At least your mom forgives me," he said with a forced chuckle.

"I don't hate you," I replied. I still can't believe this. I thought the big revelation would be something that would make me run out of Aiden's room just like the stuff that happens on soap operas but I just sat there, my brain on the brink of self destruction. A new found loathing at everyone for putting us through all this.

Yes, Aiden was to blame for letting me ride on the motorcycle, but in the first place. I dared him to ride a rollercoaster, anything could happen while he did his dare, it was just so unfortunate that something happened to me when I did my end of the bargain. Was it really solely Aiden's fault?

"Nobody even blamed the freakin drunk driver?" I asked Aiden angrily.

He replied with a slight laughter, "you see A, that's the thing."

"What's the thing?" Oh great, so turns out my so called "accident" is now a novel worthy mystery story. Great, just great.

"I took all the blame," he replied nonchalantly.

"You are an idiot," I said and I wanted to hit him if he weren't hurt in the first place.

"I know, but I love your family as much as I love you."

"So you decided to take all the blame so you could come out the hero, oh wait so they could hate you to the point of allowing me to forget everything about us, huh?"

"Wow, I didn't expect you to be so mad."

"Aiden I'm mad because everyone is such an idiot, and that includes you...idiot."

"Asia, I love your family. I'll do anything for them, even take the blame for them."

Shivers ran down my spine at his last words but my mind was still burning from curiosity and anger, "what do you mean?"

Aiden was hesitant, probably realizing that he went out of line. He was about to say something he wasn't intending to say so in the first place. He stared at me and on his mouth laid a small smile.

Right on cue a certain blonde rushed inside the room. He was still wearing his suit, he was standing by the door with an envelope clutched to his side and a grim look on his face.

"My conscience couldn't take it if he was even partially to blame for what happened to his sister," Aiden said as his eyes met Claude's.


I dedicate this chapter to my lovely mother who is always there for me. I love you so much mom. This chapter goes to all the mom's of my wonderful readers as well. Happy Mothers Day to all mothers!

with love always,


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