Chapter 2

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It was a lovely afternoon, the birds were singing their songs happily and everyone was indeed happy, but Kunikida was not. He just wanted to type this report so the chef could read it, because Kenji's writing really was terrible. But this idiot Dazai was missing again and Atsushi was totally upset, he couldn't even focus on reading reports, so of course Kunikida had to calm him down. Now, he had finally succeeded to pacify him and Atsushi was sitting on the couch, trying his best to seem calm so Kunikida wouldn't be angry that he was so worried about Dazai, who always went missing, at least 4 times per week. Kunikida sighed. Even the day which seemed so beautiful was really annoying. Then, he heard a soft knock from the door, which opened a little and a young girl, not older than 28, came in. She wore a white dress with a blue bow and blue lace, and in her hair was also a blue bow. Sh said in a quiet, high voice:" Ähm, hello. Beautiful day, isn't it? Ähm, you are the Detective Agency, aren't you?" "Dear miss, yes, we are the Armed Detective Agency. How can we help you?", Kunikida answered. "Well, it is like this: the Port Mafia wants to kill me."  Everyone in the room was quiet. These few words were dangerous, because a fight with the Port Mafia was even for the Detective Agency not an easy thing. But then, everyone saw the sad, scared look in her blue eyes and her trembling hands, and they all knew it right away : They had to protect who was in danger, especially the innocent. "Miss, please sit down and tell us every detail of this affair." "Thank you!" She said, then sat down on one chair near Tanizaki's table. She sighed, then started to tell:" When I was a few years younger, I met the man who should be my husband two years later. It was love from the first sight: We met each other on a party of a friend, talked much and dated. One year after our marriage, he joined the Port Mafia. That was 3 years ago. But they were a horrible organisation, killing and betraying many, many people, so he tried to leave them one year later. It didn't work completely, he left them, but they wanted to kill both of us. We escaped and lived far, far away." She sighed again, rubbing her eyes like she was near crying. "He passed away, one year ago. He did much bad things, but in the end, he was a good person. He always tried to protect me. Well, now, one year after his death, I wanted to go back to Yokohama. It is stupid, but after all the sorrow, this was the place we were happiest. This is the place we met. And if there is a way to remember his best sides, it's here, because his worst years also were here." The detectives were deeeply moved. Only Kenji had the idea to ask:" What is your name, miss?" Kunikida was not sure if he should be angry or proud. The question was not  sensitive, but one had to ask it. Maybe his teachings weren't for nothing. "My name is Yogo Ogawa." Kunikida nodded. "Thank you for telling us your story and name. We will try to help you." "I have to thank you." she smiled. But suddenly, she felt her hand in another hand and a voice she knew too well asked: "Belladonna, are you interested in committing a double suicide with me?" She rose to her feet, pressed herself against the wall on the other side and screamed:" Ah, a lunatic. Save me!"

Chuuya was satisfied with his show. Of course his heart really missed one beat when his ex-partner from the Mafia, the only one who really could expose his real self, appeared next to him and asking him if he wanted to die with him. But it  just missed this beat for a second, so he tried to play a girl who is scared of a lunatic man who appeared from nowhere. He succeeded. Kunikida was scolding Dazai for scaring an already scared girl with no family, and everyone, including Atsushi, was surprised and not happy about this arrival. "Dazai Osamu, how dare you? This dear miss is asking us for help! She is trusting us!" Hearing Kunikida shouting this, Chuuya decided to play his role more carefully. "Dazai Osamu? He is an Mafia-Executive! I heard from him! I did not think they woud find me this fast!" and he cried loudly, thinking This works better than expected. Kunikida tried to explain. "Miss, he left the Port Mafia. He may be weird, but in his heart, he is a good person. Your dear husband also was in the Mafia, but a good person. We are sure Dazai would never betray us." "He, he is working here?!" Chuuya stuttered. Maybe he should become an actor. This was a good start. "And, if I think about it, it is the best if he is the one who guardes you. He knows the techniques of the mafia the best." Chuuya changed his opinion. He would not become an actor. How terrible he must play a scared girl when the others force him to stay with the guy he is scared of?

I am still not sure if it is important, but there are 899 words in the text. Have a good day!

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