A newcomer,an ally or a new storm?

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3rd pov

The music festival was starting,all of the classes were trying their best to impress the judges.The pressure was obvious,especially with Poro,an ex member of the 13 Crowns being there,he was the demon who's applause was the prize every demon was waiting for,as he was the demon king's personal musician.But as the festival was about to start,a lean person walked up to Poro(who was squeezing the life out of kalego) and said.

???:Yo Poro.

Poro looked at the who called him and his eyes widened as he recognised the boy.


Poro dropped kalego and picked up the individual,who was now revealed to be Y/N(idiots that's you if you don't know).

Poro:I didn't know you were in Babyls.

Y/N:It's bcz no-one knows I'm here,idiot.

Everyone was shocked,this person just appeared out of nowhere and just insulted Poro and Poro looked unaffected by the insult as well.


As he said that,Poro took Y/N and headed to royal one.When he entered,the misfits turned to see him,but one person was sleeping on the throne.As Poro was about to throw him off the throne,Y/N interrupted him.

Y/N:Let him be,Poro.

Poro was shocked but he wouldn't back down,even against someone like Y/N and Y/N knew that better than anyone.

Y/N:Let him be,just wait for some time.Let him wake up then remove him from the throne ok?

Poro himself knew that Y/N was getting irritated and if he annoys Y/N anymore,he might get beat up.Y/N then told Poro.

Y/N:Let's go see their performance, should we.

A/N:I also forgot to mention that in this au they announce the candidates for the demon king after the music festival.

Everything in the harvest festival went the same as manga.Except for Poro joining Baal (there is a little twist)

Timeskip to the heartbreaker exam.

It was time for the misfit class's first exam as second years,during this time Y/N seemed to be welcomed by the misfits and he even taught them or helped them improve their combat skills.

Iruma and his team were now trying to evade any teacher they might encounter.However, Shida found them,just as she was about to burst Chima's balloon a figure suddenly kicked her away.

???:It looks like you're in a tough spot,Iruma.

Shida:Y/N L/N,why are you helping the students,you are a teacher.

Y/N then chuckled and said.

Y/N:It seems your master isn't as smart as I thought, I was never a teacher in the first place,I was just an instructor.

Shida's eyes widened in realisation.

Shida:But if you are a misfit,then how did the misfit class not get kicked out of royal one.

Y/N:It's bcz daleth is too low of a rank.Now then.

Y/N punched Shida's leg as she was about to kick him.Shida suddenly winced in pain.Y/N just broke her leg.

Y/N:It seems I overestimated your strength and did not hold back enough.I won't make such a mistake again.

Y/N quickly knocked Shida unconscious.

Y/N then turned to Iruma.


Iruma was still processing everything.



Y/N:Stay with me.If someone else attacks you then I will be here.

Suddenly it was announced on the mic.

Speaker:Attention students and teachers! Y/N L/N is a student of the misfit class,do not mistake him as a teacher.He just knocked down Shida-sensei.He is with Iruma,all teams are warned to not engage in a fight with him.

We now shift to team Asmodeus.

Alice:Hmm so,Y/N is actually our classmate,b-but WHY DID HE HAVE TO BE THE ONE TO PROTECT IRUMA-SAMAA!

That was awkward but let's go to teachers.

Kalego and balam were about to enter the exam when they heard the announcement.

Kalego:So he decided to reveal it.

Balam:Yes,but now we need to be more careful,you know he isn't someone who you can play around with.

Meanwhile,it was announced that Sullivan was the secret weapon.All students were rushing to the principal office.However,Y/N told Iruma to find kalego.

As Iruma left.Y/N told Iruma's teammates.

Y/N:Listen here kiddo,stay close it's not safe.

Y/N then started walking towards team Alice.

As Y/N reached Alice's location,he realised that the Asmodeus brat was about to use those flames.He then said.

Y/N:Weaklings like the two of you don't deserve to see those flames,let alone use them.

Alice:Y/N! Don't! He's too strong.

Y/N:*sigh* Honestly,the whole lot of you.....

Y/N released his breath.

Y/N released his breath

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Y/N:I just blew out the little match you lit,what's there to be surprised.

Y/N then appeared beside Ifrit.

Ifrit was instantly knocked unconscious

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Ifrit was instantly knocked unconscious.As Y/N started walking away Alice asked him.

Alice:Where are you going?

Y/N:Gotta go help the others,wanna come?




To be continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2022 ⏰

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