Chapter 1

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My name is L/N Y/N. I am a Grade 11 student at Ouran Academy. How did I get into Ouran? Let's just say it's because of my mother's luck. My mother came from a family that valued business, but she insisted on following in their footsteps. She was a rebel; everyone referred to her as the family's "black sheep."

After she graduated, she proposed to my father. She is a big believer of love, she believed and still believes that my father is her true love. But unlike my mother, my father is not as idealistic as she is. He truly thinks things through before acting, which shows how realistic he is. But the fact that he married my mother without giving it a second thought only proves how much he truly loves her.
They also have a lot in common, like their love for art. I think they complement each other very well. But they married and had me at a young age, so in my early years we just lived normally in a small apartment in Tokyo.

Until my mother decided to play the lottery one day. She attempted to wager my father and I's birthdays on the lottery ticket using her spare change. I recall it being a rainy day when she received a text message informing her that she had won the lottery. As soon as she received the text message, she packed our belongings and bought a house, a car, and a company within a week. I guess she still followed her family's steps in a way.

"Ootori, why did you order so many instant coffee? Are you going to donate it to charity or somethin'?," I questioned out of curiosity because he had ordered a truckload of instant coffee from us. Our family owns the largest food and beverage company in Japan.

"Our king suggested that we should stock some up and guests seem to like it very much and it's also easy to make," he stated.

"They like it? These rich kids? No way! The world is a weird place... and king? Who's that?"

He hummed and flirtatiously said "Tamaki is our king. You should visit our host club sometime to get the context more, and to have fun most importantly,

"Ahaha no thanks! I don't really believe in things like that.... I guess I prefer a more pure and genuine love rather than temporary happiness like that..." I shyly said while looking down.

"Well, it can't be helped, I can't make you do something you don't want to do. But you are still welcome to our club every time. So, just let me know when it's possible to have it delivered, and I'll see you later."

"I will! See you!"

We have time at our school to participate in club activities. I didn't go to any clubs because I wasn't interested, so I just went home. Personally, I prefer to do things that I enjoy on my own. When someone is watching me do something, it makes me nervous, and as a result, I can't do my best. Some people say I'm too shy, but I don't think I am. I guess I'm just quiet and reserved, like my father. I think I'm pretty loud when I'm around people I'm comfortable and close to; that's just how I am.

"Y/N!! Dinner is ready!"

Our maids and butlers take a day off when both of my parents are at home. When both of them are home, we are the ones who do everything around the house like we used to. This is how we bond as a family.

"I cooked all these! Y/N! Honey! Come and eat all you can!" my mom excitedly said.

"Is there an occasion?" I asked.

"I'm just happy that we're all together right now!! By the way, how's school? How's Kyoya-kun?"

"Huh? It's alright... the usual... and Ootori-kun wanted to know when is it possible to get the coffee delivered. He also said that people from his club likes instant coffee that's why he ordered a ton of them."

"Really?!!! We'll deliver it as soon as possible! And waahhhh that's good to hear! It's decided! Y/N! Bring our new formulation for them to try tomorrow! And keep eating! You're getting thin!"

"This food is great." dad abruptly said. I didn't even get the chance to say something because mom—"Wahhhh! Darling! You're the best! You're great! Keep eating! I love you so much!"

And I think we all know what happened later that night.

I got ready for bed after I finished my meal and washed the dishes. I changed into my sleepwear and fell asleep as soon as I got into bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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