𝓛etting Go.

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    𝓛ooking at each other, we cut the space between us, coming in for a hug.

Gasping, I wrap my arm's around his neck. Not letting go. Robin, doing the same. Wrapping his arms around my back.

Letting my tears continue to roll down my face, we stare at each other. Still not thinking that this was real.

Looking at my face, Robin slightly shakes his head.

"He took you, too. Hasn't he?" Feeling a pain in my heart, I nod.

"Yes. But, I escaped. Robin, it's over. We can go to the police station, and finally end this nightmare!" I say, filled with hope.

Robin continues staring at me. Not saying a word, or even reacting.

"Y/N, how did he take you?" Robin suddenly asks, confusing me. Why did that matter now?

Confused, I shake my head.

"Robin, were you even listening to anything I-"

"How did he get you?" Not wanting to think about what I planned that made me get into this situation, I look down.

Sighing, I answer.

"I made a plan. Trying to set the Grabber up. The Grabber appeared at the walking route I started taking, to try and get him. Then he took me. I did it just so I can finally bring Justice to the kids who were missing! I wanted to end this." I explain, wiping my tears.

Suddenly, the atmosphere began to feel heavy. The room started to feel cold.

"You wanted to stop him. Our souls could've finally went to rest, in peace...." I tilt my head. Not understanding what he means.

"Robin....? What're you saying? Stop talking like that. You're not....like them. You're here...." I comment, gulping.

"You did all of this because you just couldn't let us go, huh?" My eyes widen slightly.

Letting go. The one thing I just can't do.

I still wanted all of them to come back, and try and make it go back to how it was. Knowing that they were gone.

I've been in denial. I just couldn't let them go.

Shutting my eyes tightly, I cover my mouth. Muffling my cries.

Opening my eyes and looking up, Robin leans down to my height.


Looking into Robins features deeply, I say

"You're not....are you...."

"This nightmare isn't over, yet. There's still stuff that has yet to be revealed to you. Things that you need to figure out." Gulping, Robin continues.


"What is it...?"

"Even though I may be gone, now. I'm still grateful that I am given a chance to help you. To watch, and guide you...." Furrowing my brows, I yell.

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