Magnetta (Static Shock)

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The first version of Magnetta being in DEATH BATTLE was based on information on Static in the DEATH BATTLE video between Miles Morales and Static Shock. But this version is based on information from Magneto in DEATH BATTLE.

David: In the late 1980s was a happy day for both Stuart and Karen Hawkins. For Karen has given birth to their only daughter. You may know her as Ruby Hawkins, but when it comes to saving the day, her true name is Magnetta. As an African-American child in the late 1990s and early 2000s, Magnetta's early life was pretty happy. She was exposed to her African-American culture, loved listening to Hip-Hop and rap music, and loved to eat fried chicken. Until, her parents died in a car accident caused by gangs when she was 5 and moved in with her uncle Robert Hawkins, her aunt Jean, and cousins Sharon and Virgil. This bad memory haunted her for life and took her months to recover after lots of therapy. Until her aunt died from a gang fire when she and Virgil were 10.

- Full Name: Ruby Albina Hawkins

- Height: 5'7

- Weight: 130 lbs (58kg)

- Omega-level Metahuman

- Groups: Bang Baby Hero Society and Justice League

- Dislikes: Guns, Bullies, Gangs

David: After living with her uncle until she turned 14, she and her cousin Virgil ended up at a Gangwar at the docks when a massive explosion of Quantum Juice called the Big Bang turned everyone in the docks into metahumans. When she woke up after the Big Bang, she began to develop magnetic-gravitational powers, allowing her to control both magnetism and gravity.

David: And that's when Magnetta made a choice. Since there were lots of people who suffered from losing their loved ones, being homeless, and with Bang Babies who couldn't control their powers or see themselves as monsters. She'd use her powers to help people in need along with having metahumans and humans live in harmony. 

David: Magnetta teamed up with her cousin Static, who developed electromagnetic powers from the Big Bang. Eventually, their friends Richie and Allie became Bang Babies and joined Static and Magnetta. After meeting a few Bang Baby's who see themselves as freaks and couldn't control their powers like Derek Barnett, Maureen Conner, and Nina Crocker, Magnetta decided to train them on how to use and control their powers and ended up forming a team of Bang Baby's called the Bang Baby Hero Society with her as their leader.

David: Magnetta can telekinetically move, bend, and reshape any metal she's aware of. Bullets, Vehicles, Buildings, you name it. And can even use her magnetic powers for flight and magnetic barriers.

- Magnekinesis

- Flight

- Magnetic Barriers

- Electricity Manipulation & Absorption

- Technology Manipulation

- Matter Manipulation

- Teleportation Prediction

- Gravity Manipulation

- Telepathy & Mind Immunity

- Astral Projection

- Wormhole Creation

David: Her ability to control metal makes her just as powerful as Magneto. She can blend alloys into earthen, watery, gaseous, and even organic substances by physically bonding metallic substances to other elements at an atomic level, implanting metal into objects or people in mere seconds. Control the metallic particles within any living organism and control metallic alloys in technology. Giving her the ability to control robots or control them by disassembling the robots and taking apart their computer chips to alter the robots to obey her command.

Magnetta (DEATH BATTLE) part 2Where stories live. Discover now