~ elton prince {requested} ~

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this has been the tenth tissue that has fell to the floor. i feel miserable. my throat is so sore and inflamed, my nose won't stop running, my cough makes my body ache and i have the chills really bad. elton knew something was up this morning. i was shivering in bed with a sweatshirt on, and many covers on top of me. he on the other hand was sweating extremely, confused on why and how i could be so cold on a hot night like this.

he also knew something was up because i barely had a voice this morning. he insisted that he would stay home instead of going to the gym with kit but i insisted him to go because there was nothing he could really do about me being sick. i did not want to be the reason that he had to miss out on his workout this morning. he nodded his head and decided to go to the gym.

"are you sure sweetheart?" he spoke with his accent becoming thick with his morning voice. i nodded my head, barely being able to form words with the soreness in my throat.

"i'm sure, i'll be okay." i spoke with a cough interrupting my words. the look in his face was with full concern. he trusted me and my words, but remained hesitant if he really wanted to leave me alone while being sick.

"alright babe, whatever you say. i'll run to the market later and get you some medicine. "what do you think you got. a cold ?"

i sniffled and rubbed my eye trying to think.

"i think just a cold. it shouldn't get worse i don't think." he nodded, getting up to grab his bag and his keys.

"you will text me if you need anything at all right sweets?" i smile, nodding at him with blush appearing around my checks at this point. he also had a smile plastered on his face.

"i love you." he says as he goes to unlock the hotel door.

"i love you more." i say though my various voice cracks. he leaves and closes the door on the way behind him. once he is gone i get up slowly from my bed to grab a glass of water to try to sooth my throat, then heading back to bed to try and get some more sleep.

elton's pov :

"hey man. everything alright?" kit asks me as i put my bag down on the bench.

"yea dude i'm fine. what's up? i ask him with a look of concern on my face, confused on what he is getting at.

"i don't have a problem with this but, your 20 minutes late." he says with a raised eyebrow, adjusting the bar on the machine. i shake my head while looking at the clock on the opposite side of the building.

"oh crap my bad. my girlfriend is feeling pretty shitty, so i wanted to make sure she didn't need me at the hotel or anything. must of lost track of time if i'm being honest." i nod at the end while he grabs his one airpod to put in his ear.

"all good dude. just wanted to make sure everything is fine." i smile at kit as i take my tank off before lowering down to do some stretches.

y/n pov :

i wake up to the sound of the door being swung open, with the sound of bags shuffling next to each other. i close my eyes trying to adjust my self to the light of the room. i see elton coming over to me as i turn my head to look up at him with a smile. he brings his hand to my face to push some hair behind my ear, also checking my temperature.

"baby you're burning up. you feel okay?" he says as i nod slowly.

"i honestly feel the same. it was nice getting some sleep tho." i tell him with a smile. he smiles back at me as he goes to grab the bags he brought in the room.

"here sweetheart. i bought some meds for you." he says as he pours the purple liquid into the cup that is labeled with the correct dosage. "here, take this with some water." he says as he hands me the cup. i shake my head no, not wanting to take the cough syrup. he takes notice and pouts as he takes a seat next to me on the bed.

"baby you need to take this medicine alright?" he puts some hair behind my ear again. i just nod and drink the liquid. my face changes into disgust because of how bad it taste, but i manage to get it all down as i grab the water and wash everything down.

"there you go, you okay?" i smile up at him and nod as i take another drink of my water. he stares in admiration as i finish taking my final sips of my water.

"would you like me to make some soup for you my dear?" i smile at the nickname he has called me several times before.

"yes please." he nods and gives me a forehead kiss as he gets up to make the soup. i lay back and drift back to sleep a little bit while he makes my chicken noodle soup.

i get woken up with poking at my shoulder. "here babe. sit up and eat some of this, oh and drink the broth because it will sooth your throat." i nod and sit my self up leaning my back againts the headboard of the bed.

"thank you." i tell him while i take a spoonful of the soup into my mouth. he rubs my back as i take another sip of the broth.

"is it okay? i know i'm not the best at cooking." he says with a laugh. i giggle back at him.

"it's great, thank you love." he gives me a kiss on the forehead while i finish up the soup. he comes to the other side of the bed and wraps his arm around me.

a couple minutes later i finish the soup and the broth and put the white glass bowl down on the side table.

"how do you feel now, any better?" i look at him and give him a nod.

"it was great. i really think the broth helped my throat. it's still sore, but not as bad. how did you know it would help?" i ask him as i lean my head into his shoulder.

"well, my mom would always tell me to drink it when she made me that soup from the same recipe. i would always tell her that i felt better right after wards." i smile at the story.

"well, your mother is a smart woman." i tell him. he just laughs with a smile still on his face.

"i can agree with you on that. now come here." he says as he pulls me next to him. i lay my head on his chest and swing one leg over his body. i can feel his heartbreak though his chest as i drift my self to sleep. i feel his hand on my head playing with my hair between his fingers.

"you comfy my love?" i nod my head, too tired to respond. "you're so cute." he says as i smile into his chest. we lay in silence untill he hears my slight snoring, meaning i'm pretty much asleep. he grabs my hand and intertwines it with his.

"i will love you forever, my queen."

- s

{ wrestling imagines }जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें