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It was a normal day for me at Olympus , yet the most annoying thing was Aphrodite goshing over young demigods relationships like at 12:00am

-what happend yesterday-

Aphrodite: EEKKKKKKKKK -calls all the 12 major gods-

Aphrodite: I have a major announcement

All the gods: What?!! 


Athena: okay -goes to sleep- WAIT WHAT!?!?!

Yes, so its been what's on my mind lately and I cant get it out of my mind, I still cant believe Annabeth is with that thing, like he is so ugh and she knows there are many other boys and she chose my arch nemesis  son unbelievable.

So I decided I'd go visit camp, but not as a 'goddess' as a new camper, I'll spy on them and try and get them to break up, by Percy falling in love with me, I haven't gotten Zeus's permission but I'm going to ask for it this afternoon.

I walk up to my fathers side of the Olympus, and see him hugging someone that is not his wife ''Typical'' I just wanted to ask for my permission and go to CHB, I pushed aside the girl he was kissing and then started to talk to my father.

''Great to see you father''

Zeus groaned, and rolled his eyes

Zeus:Oh, my dearest Athena, what could you want now? I heard him mutter something like ''better not be something, that will cost a century'' 

''I would like to go to camp half blood for uhm research purposes, yes that.''

Zeus:And what do you need me for? im busy..

''can you turn me into a demi-god''

Zeus: No.

''please father''


''I would not argue with the war goddess''

Zeus: and I wouldnt argue with the King of Gods but what do I know, fine! i'll turn you into a demigod for 5 days max, we need you as a war goddess I wont say it much but your duty is rather important.

He then turned me into a blonde demigod with very very dark shade of blonde, and I had the darkest brown I eyes.

Zeus:If you werent my daughter I'd date you but whatever 

I rolled my eyes, Then he sent me to CHB.

My story was that I was a child of Athena and my dad dropped me off and ran away, so everyone felt sympathy for ha so Gullible.

I told everyone I turned 16 this year since Both Annabeth and Percy were 16 and stuff.

Then a satyr, I think the sea brat's friend ''Grover'' came up to me saying Chiron was calling me between you and me the other gods and I call him ''Uncle Satyr'' don't get me wrong I know we dont have great sense of humor but I still laugh about the thought today ok? don't judge me! 

I then told Chiron about my secret and how he shouldn't tell any of the campers especially Annabeth and Percy between me and him, he agreed and said he'd shut his mouth.

I walked up to Percy and Annabeth they looked like they were about to kiss disgusting! I quickly ran before they could proceed the act.


Annabeth: O uh hi! who are you?

''Im uhm Chloe! Nightline?'' okay I didnt think this whole thing through I hadnt even come up with a fake name so rip off  Zoe Nightshade I guess.

Annabeth:Hm very similar to a girl I used to know.

We talked bonded and I tried getting my hands closer to Percy and moved away each time I did it, so when Annabeth left I tried to make a move on him but he is a stubborn one I guess.

Percy:Hey what the hell? 

: Sorry am I invading personal space I thought we were friends?!?!

Percy: Miss Gurl this aint what friends do

: I do it with my guy friends all the time, its normal.

Percy: No it isnt maybe with your friends it is but im uncomfortable and I want you to stop now.

I left him alone we didnt tell Annabeth about this I wanna do this without making her sad so I gotta be careful with what I do so percy doesnt tell her 

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