26: Follow Instructions

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My heart was pounding. My fingers were fidgeting against the wheel, and my eyes were frantically scanning the surroundings for something-someone I knew wouldn't be there.

I couldn't believe what Jimmy told me.

Rupert sent him an approval email the other day, telling him that I did a commendable job in editing not one but two books - Lorewind's second book in the series, and a novelette.

A novelette?! The whole time I was in that ranch, I edited only one book - a novel! I was sure about it too.

So after signing my NTE for excessive absences, I rushed to my office to sort out the questions in my head. How could Rupert send an approval email about two books? Why was there two books? Why would Rupert even send an approval? What the hell was that novelette? Why was I expected to report to the office like I wasn't a "special case editor"? Why did it seem like I had to get an approval from Rupert?

As I slumped confused and palpitating in my table, my eyes wandered off to the innocent blue clear book lying flat in front of me.

Right! I promised myself I would read the freaking blue book the minute I got to the office.

So I browsed through the pages of the blue book and buried my face in the part of the Special Case-Editor story that I hadn't read.

I slammed my hand on the stirring wheel as my car stopped for heavy traffic. I cursed; frustration seeping out of my skin.

Of all the times I could be stuck in traffic, it had to be when I was in a hurry to Loramina's place! Memories of what I read from the blue book flashed in my mind and I wanted nothing more than wake up, and realize this was all just an awful dream.

The blue book didn't just hold information about Claus Lorewind. It also contained instructions from Rupert about how I should do my new job, how to deal with Loramina, and the pages I was scheduled to work on until the deadline for Lorewind's second book.

Yes, it held the remaining 20 chapters of the second book in Loramina's series. Contrary to what Loramina said, Rupert didn't end up editing only two chapters of her second book. He had edited 30 chapters.

Rupert was old school. He preferred editing hardcopies than softcopies, so Loramina sent her manuscripts to the office printer when she submitted it for editing. They met in the office for the editing discussions. They never went out of the office to work on a book, despite Loramina's requests.

Rupert had specifically noted that I be cautious of Loramina. He said she had difficulties trusting editors, and she would use her cunningness to make me do things that could possibly jeopardize my work; like persuade me to do whatever she told me to do, keep me out of the office, and edit something I wasn't supposed to edit.

—Like the third book of the series that Loramina had also finished.

I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe that Loramina would lie to me; that she would make a fool out of me!

Rupert's note on the clear book also said I was technically still in probation in my position, so instead of directly asking Jimmy's approval for my work, I had to ask his approval first. He would be the one to submit it to Jimmy and to the printing press afterwards. This was why he sent an email to Jimmy about my supposed work.

Why he would send an approval email on something I didn't have a hand on was still a mystery to me.

Rupert's letter also mentioned she would be working on a novelette - something I shouldn't bother editing until the second book was clean. He mentioned that she also had a habit of hacking into someone's laptop.

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