The Little Red Book

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 Xiao Nai watched as the female in the striped top obliterated their opponent. Her skill using the Swordswoman in red was superb. He focused his attention from the battle to the top corner where her handle was listed. Luwei Weiwei. The name sounded familiar but since he didn't visit the forums or really pay any attention to gossip he had no idea where he heard it before. Her playing caught his curiosity enough to find out. Moving his focus to the player instead. Her fingers were thin and long dancing across the keyboard like a ballerina across the stage. Following her slender arm up to her swan-like neck until he reached her side profile of clear white jade skin and rosy lips. This Luwei Weiwei was a beauty he admitted to himself not that it made much difference though. The enigmatic young man continued to watch her until she took off her headphones and stood up. She was truly breathtaking even with no makeup and clothing that appeared to be more for function than for style. He watched as something red fell from her open backpack and was about to pick it up to hand to the mystery beauty but before he could take a step his uncle tapped him on the shoulder to speak with him. It was only a few seconds but by the time he turned his head back the beauty was gone but whatever she dropped was not. Xiao Nai took a couple of steps so he could bend down and pick up the object; a red leather bound journal. He tucked it under his arms and left with his uncle back to his home for a home cooked meal and more conversation.

After his uncle left Xiao Nai took a look at the journal that he had picked up earlier. On the outside it was just red leather with a tie decorated with charms. Nothing really special with no clues on the true identity of the owner; he had seen books like this many times before in the past. He debated for a half of a moment on whether he should open it or not. For all he knew this book could have Luwei Weiwei's most inner thoughts and it would be a breach of privacy which really didn't sit well with him. Logic prevailed though; how would he be able to return the book if he didn't know how to contact the girl? Carefully unwrapping the leather cord, Xiao Nai opened the book and started to skim the first page which was littered with graceful calligraphy that had a majority of the contents crossed out until he saw circled 'Luwei Weiwei'. The one thing that all the contents had in common was the name 'Weiwei'. If Xiao Nai had to guess it was the real name of the warrior woman. If it was the family or the given name he did not know.

Turning to a random page he saw a detailed listing of coordinates for harvesting ingredients for a regeneration potion. Xiao Nai returned back to the start of the book and started to read intrigued at her copious notes on her Swordsmen class. After a few pages he noticed notes on Dynamic Systems and Controls. It appeared that Luwei Weiwei was in Computer Science classes. Xiao Nai was amused that the lovely warrior woman seemed to have the same major that he did. He continued to go through the pages to see if there were any more clues on her identity until he paused on notes from what had to be his father's archaeology course. There was no way another school would have another teacher who's lectures were as dry as his father's.

Taking a moment he sat the book down next to his laptop and pulled up the student roster for his father's archaeology course after a small amount of hacking. He started going down the list for the name Weiwei and found half way down on the list Bei Weiwei. Doing a new search in the admission records he pulled up the information on Bei Weiwei. Second Year Computer Science student from Wuhan with an impressive GPA and scholarships. It appeared that she has a tutoring job for a child off campus. Taking a mental note of the listed guardian of the child; a business woman with the surname of Yang seeing her license number, car information, and address. Then returning to the possible Luwei Weiwei's schedule and ID card habits. She ran the track near the library every morning at six am and seemed to favor the cafeteria near her dorm.

Closing down the information on the school he logged into the game. As he was reading through the PK board ranks and spotted her name five places under his, the system made a worldwide announcement; "Zhen Shaoxiang and Luwei Weiwei are no longer in love. They are now strangers to one another."

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