Chapter 28: Beloved

Start from the beginning


"HELP! PLEASE! IT HURTS~!" a tiny voice tried to scream the louder she can.

     A few days passed and a terrible accident occurred close to where Foxie Kana is working. A drunk man lost control of his car, broking into a house, where a single mother lives with two kids, destroying almost everything.

     It's late in the night, the streets are empty and it seems like no one is hearing the small cries from the only person conscious in the destructed area.

     After a few minutes, a neighbor that lives a good amount of meters away from the accident came to see what was the sound he heard, immediately calling the emergency when seeing the scene.

"Oh god, please hurry! There's so much blood. All the front wall of the house is down, the car is completely inside. I can hear a child!"

     The man is desperate, fearing the fatalities. This family is known around the neighborhood and very dearly. Soon, others started to come around, curious and anguished with the wait.

"Oh my Goodness, finally! Foxie Kana, here!" the man waved to the hero, that approaches immediately.

"Don't fear, I'll save the victims. But please stay away from here, this car is leaking a lot of fuel. ALL OF YOU, STEP BACK!"

     Going to the car, Kana checked the driver. Dead.

     Letting him behind, she turned to her tiny form, walking in cautiously. The area is completely risky: the roof will collapse at any moment, the other walls of the small house are in the same state and the electrical wires are exposed everywhere.

     'Shit, there's water coming from inside the walls too...' Kana is even more worried now.

     Focusing on sniffing where the victims are, she decided to go for the one that surely is alive. Turning into the corner, Kana found the crying little girl. A huge part of the wall fell on her legs, which are crushed. She's losing too much blood.

"F-Foxie... Please... Please save me Foxie~" the baby whines in pain, making grabby hands to the hero. This broke Kana's heart immensely.

"Calm down, baby. I'm here, it'll be fine." no, this is a lie.

     Kana definitely can't move this debris from over her without making everything collapse too. Calming down the kid, she ran to search for the others.

     There's another girl in the next room, completely covered by debris but alive. The mother is in the kitchen, in the same way, but worst... Because the water is rising quicker where she's laying.

     'Think, Kana... First, remove the mother, then the older girl. But... That way the little one will die from blood loss. But if I save her first, the whole house will end up collapsing, over the other two. UGH!'

     Running out of time, Kana got to the mother first. Cautiously removing the debris from her, she is relieved that the woman is at least breathing.

     'This is taking too long...' she is worried the little one stopped her cries.

"KANA!" a male voice called.

"No way..." she whispered to herself, taking a deep breath. "I'M HERE, DEKU!"

"Holy, this is so bad!" he said getting closer, worried by the victim's state.

"We don't have much time. The house is about to collapse and the worst victim can't be moved until this one and the other get out of the house. I need you to free a girl in the farthest room."

The Powerful One: Deku x OC (MHA FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now