Absolute Betrayal

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As the three heros went to make a portal to the Nether, they were suddenly surrounded by mobs! And not just any mobs, these were enderman. The crew was so shocked they had no time to look down so the Enderman became hostile and started attacking the group. "Quick split up! They can't take us on when we're not together." Eka said as he quickly ran one way. TotalDrama and Bread ran another way  and the crew was separated. The longer they were away from each other, the more Enderman spawned. "This is crazy! It's no where close to being night time." Eka exclaimed. He dashed off and made a turn around avoiding any and all Enderman in sight. He met back up with TotalDrama and Bread who were both dealing with Enderman. Bread noticed Eka's arrival however before anything could be mention Bread was thrown against a nearby tree. This caught TotalDrama and Eka off guard. "Eka try to work on getting the Nether Portal built! I'll hold them off!" TotalDrama said as she started fighting the enderman 1 on- let's just say more than 10. Eka didn't hesitate to argue and started working on the Nether Portal. When he was done, he turned and started helping TotalDrama fight the enderman. Just the, King Camelot's hologram appeared. "Thank you my wonderful creations." Wonderful creations? Wait- DID HE? "You sent these enderman here to kill us?" TotalDrama pointed out having been suspicions of what Camelot just said. "Yes I did. And I have your little friend, Bread, here with me. And now, YOU'RE NEXT! GET HER MY WONDERFUL ENDERMAN!" King Camelot ordered. He started laughing hysterically before his hologram disappeared and the enderman went after TotalDrama. "Forgive me Eka. But I trust you more than myself with this mission." She said as she pushed Eka into the portal. "TotalDrama what are you-" but before Eka could finish his sentence, TotalDrama took her sword and she broke the portal a split second after he had teleported. "Wait, TOTALDRAMA-" Eka shouted, but it was too late. Bread was gone. And so was she. Eka passed out due to not being prepared to travel to the Nether. OOF

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