10. Before.

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*3rd pov*

Gaia is 18 years old.

"Gaia, I understand that no one predicted that this incident would happen, and now we have to make a decision, I know it's not easy but you don't need to keep the child" The man said.

It's true, no one could imagine this was happening, they used protection every single time, but fate isn't one to be discussed.

The man looked everywhere but his boys, he was so disappointed, first this ridiculous relationship with a human, now a half breed? A mutt? He would never accept it in his pack.

"I am so sorry sir, I swear it wasn't our intention, my parents already had this talk to me and trust me to make the best choice and honestly, I am ready for what comes, I want this kid and your sons want it too." Gaia knew that she would fight with heaven and hell to keep this child.

The man looked at Jackson, he was always the smart one, the level headed and one day he would be the best alpha for the pack, but first his father would have to set him straight.

"What is your opinion on all of this son?" The man said with an powerful aura, his son knew his rules, no human would be the Luna, it was unnatural, wolves got to stick with wolves.

"It's our child father, ours to love and take care, it's our responsibility now and we are happy this way." Jackson stood up, he wouldn't trade his life with his brother, their love for Gaia for anything and he need to make sure his father understood that.

"You know the rules, it's an abomination and if you choose this over our pack then you two are no sons of mine." With that the man left the house, he wasn't going to give up now, he didn't raise two kids alone after their whore of a more killed herself, she was weak after all, couldn't bear the power that he held.

Gaia was happy and sad, all this emotions mixed, Jayson patted his tigh, inviting her for a hug that she was quick to go, Jackson made his way to his life and intertwined their fingers, he was going to fight for his family.

Gaia is 19 years old.

This was the day, the baby boy first anniversary, everyone was united at their house celebrating the best thing that happened in theirs life.

Little Matteo was still learning how to run, but he had alpha blood, he was smart and a fast learner.

The day was filled with Joy, nobody could hold Matteo for long because he would always find his way to pa and pappa as he would called Jayson and Jackson.

Gifts, cake and musing filled the atmosphere, after the happy birthday the doorbell sound alerted Gaia, who could it be? All the guests was already there, she tough.

Opening the door she look at the man that she tough was never going to come back there, Messiah, the twins father who long before disowned his kids and refused to meet the grandchild was there, a gift in hand and a small, shy smile on his face.

After that day their relationship got better than before, he spent time with his kids and Matteo every time that he could, but no one could guess his intentions...

Gaia is 21 years old.

"I have a proposition for you, you know that I'm stepping down my role as Alpha, and it's Jayson and Jackson responsibly to now look after this pack, and you know the rules, I can't let you be with them." Messiah said, he was trying to find the best way to make her go away, perhaps with money incentive blood wouldn't have to be spilled, after all she was human, and humans are greedy and disgusting.

"With all do respect, you made this rules, you can change them, you know your sons will not accept this and they will refuse the role if they know you are trying to bargain with me to get away from them, do you think that even with me going away they will give up their son?" Gaia knew that the man wasn't good in the head, but she had to respect him, she couldn't put up with a fight even tough her training, she was strong of course, training with two alphas had it's perks, and she didn't know yet about the vampire blood running in her veins.

"DELUSIONAL! that's what you are, you need to choose now, you take this money that will make sure your and that little mutt life is taken care of ir you will lose everything, I will make sure of it." He lost it, he was beyond control at this point, shouting, yelling and banging his fists in the table, he was considering unleashing his wolf on her but he need his twins obedient, thinking he is on their side.

'Never' was the last thing she said before getting up and entering her car to go get her son from her mother house, that man was dangerous and she knew that if she told the twins about this encounter they would definitely start a war with the man, and this wasn't wise at this moment, after all they would protect their family, and knew the man couldn't do anything to her or her child.

At least that's what she tough.

Gaia is 22 years old.

The day started just like any other, the boys were at the pack, training new pups, thinking about when they would step up as alpha and start teaching their own son, their little pup Matteo.

Matteo was happy this afternoon, he spent the day at his grandparents, Gaia's parents, they played, watched movies and even met a little girl at the swing on the park.

After getting a bath and dressed, it was time to return home, he was on his seat, but couldn't stay still, yesterday was pa, papa and mama day, every week they would send the little pup to his granny so that they could spent time alone, after all this years together they have learned to have quiet sex, but this was a day to go all out, their passion was like any other, the fire within them was still burning like hell and godess forbidden if they wouldn't go dusk till dawn loving and exploring their bodies.

No one expected the car that came out of nowhere, no one could explain why the fates have taken three souls so early, no one could help when the car was on fire, with the three bodies inside, already dead.

The screams that filled the street was heard by everyone, it didn't take a genius to see who the screemig woman was, after all, her parents and child just died, no one could look her in the eye as she fought her boyfriends to break free and run to the car, all the tears they shed.

And when she was on her knees in the ground, with a boyfriend at each side, no more voice to scream, no more tears to fall, just a void filling her body and mind she looked at the alley next to the accident and saw someone, and then the guild flood, she could have prevented it, it was her fault.

Because in the darkness there he stood.


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