'The explanation'

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Casidy's POV

It's was now time to go home and Mummy and Kelly had teamed up saying there was no space in their car for me to ride, which was rather ridiculous because Tp was driving, and Kelly was riding in the front with Mummy aline in the back.  But she insisted that she was tired and was gonna sleep around back. It was an AD wagon  that mummy often times complained how low and uncomfortable they were so I knew she wouldn't have slept in one of them. But they stuck with their story so my only option was to travel with Reign.

'UGGGHH! Mi iggy fi dem!' I rolled my eyes, 'If only they knew!'

He carried the bag to the jeep and opened the door for me to enter. I slowly made my way to my 'only way out!'

Walking over to me he held his hands out to, ofcourse, help me.

"I'm fully capable of helping myself !" I shouted, well aware of the struggle I had ahead to climb into the range.

'Gawd, a how mi go do dis ya now?' My subconsciousness started to calculate the angles to the right approach.  'Mi naa give in a rass!'

He stepped back, leaning his body against the jeep door. His arms folded into one another, at rest on his chest. His eyebrows were raised and his mouth bore a tiny smirk. God knows how good he looked but I tried my best to ignore his appearance.

'Lawd Gee! The fuck do Reign man!' My inner Goddes spoke nervously.  She knew we were about to make a fool of ourselves just about now.

Reign's POV

'Dem seh show off bring disgrace!' I shook my head as I watched her struggle to get herself up in the vehicle.

'All cause a bloodclaat pride!'

I wasn't about to watch this any longer, because it was getting rather ridiculous.

"C mek mi hel..."

"Leave me alone Reign!" She whined, as the tears gathered giving her eyes a glossy glow.

"Just Shut up and mek mi put yuh up man! Yuh no affi be so fucking difficult every time eno!" I scooped her up and rested her on the seat. "Bomboclaat man!"

My anger was getting the best of me and before I knew it, the door swung closed with a slam!


I clenched my teeth and went around my side, then started the car and drove out.

The ride was a deadly silence, that scorched my soul. Timely I glanced at her and she looked lost, just as she did, the first night we met and the silence grew so deafening that my ears could no longer take it, so I decide to end it.

"How yuh feeling Casidy?" 

She didn't even blink. It's as if she was in trance.

"C...please talk to mi!" I begged if her. "Just mek mi know how yuh feel... atleast that!"

Reached for her leg and she shrugged me off.

"Don't Fucking touch me!" She warned.

'Yow dis a get to mi ya now!'

I pulled over the vehicle immediately. My pulse increased as blood pumped aggressively through my veins.

"Bomboclaat Casidy! The fuck yuh waan mi do man? Mi a try eno?" I could no longer hold it back. "Mi a try mi best fi be here fi yuh but yuh a mek it so fucking hard fimi!"

She looked at me with blood shot eyes and she demanded that I took her home.

"Mi naa go a fuck weh til yuh talk to mi bout dis right ya so!" I held my own. "HERE... NOW!

"Mi nuh have a thing to say to you, than I want to go home!"

"Just tell mi wa deh pon yuh fucking mind and DONE C!" I was sick of it now.

"This is all your fault... That's what's on my fucking mind!" She finally answered and this time I regretted that she did. "A yuh cause this Reign.... You and yuh damn...."

"How the fuck mi fi cause this Casidy... all mi a do from when a respect yuh wishes. So tell mi how a mi cause this?" I really wanted to know.

"You've been lying about us the whole fucking time, that's how!" She folded her arms and stared directly ahead.

"Wa di fuck yaa talk bout? How mi fi a lie bout wi, when the wol world know wi deh Casidy?" I crackled a laugh in disbelief. "The wol world know mi no waan nobody cause mi done have mi ooman. Dat a wa mi surely naa hide! So how the fuck mi fi a lie?"

At this point I knew she was probably looking to place the blame on me to feel better.

'But mi naa tek it da way deh a rass! So mi fi sidung and feel like dog...Mi ano smaddy wid feelings to?'

"Casidy eva since wi deh, all mi do a try fi mek sure yuh good and happy... mi deven touch road again. Unless a wid yuh.... and yuh know dis. Anytime mi go out a fi sort out wi business and fawud back een..."

"Yeah right! Just like how yuh go 'SORT OUT BUSINESS'," she air quoted. "Wid  yuh brown slimmaz Jade! Oooohhh .... a mi yuh tek fi idiot!"

She had it all scrambled in her head.

"C believe mi, I wasn't there with Jade!" I said in a much calmer tone. "I swear!"

She laughed sarcastically.

"Reign I saw you.... I saw you there with her!" She turned to me. "Mi no delusional or CRAZY!!! MI SEE YUH.... and hear when she seh she and yuh a go home! So wa more proof than that mi want!"

'Den a so the fucking universe a root genx mi???'

"Casidy... it might look like a so, but ano so it go. Mi and har no deh, and wi certainly neva deh there together, together!" I tried to clear the air, but from the looks of her facial expression, I was digging an even deeper hole for myself.

'Let try this again!'

"Alright listen. Mek mi explain!"

"Pssssssh!" She rolled her eyes.

"Casidy wait nuh! Just easy!" I reached over to touch her hands and she looked attentively. "So today after the whole disagreement wa mi and yuh have, mi did ago drive go outta mi spot go relax and free mi mind ... but di man dem call mi an a tell mi bout a drink out and a beg mi fi fawud zeen...."

She remained still for the time being so I went on to explain.

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