Small things make it better

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Screaming was a regular sound on the battlefield. It seemed louder today, more so than ever. At least, that's what Sniper thought as he was perched up in a tall wooden building, out looking a messy battlefield. His scope was concentrated on a Heavy, who was making his way to the BLU cart with a Medic.

His fingers itched to pull the trigger, but he waited until the right moment.

Any second now... just a little longer.... Almost... one more second-

The sound of heavy footsteps running towards him not even REMOTELY trying to be quiet snapped Sniper out of his trance. He whipped around to see who was charging at him with such unGODLY noise when it ran into him. A big blob of red flattened him onto the old and rickety floorboards. The blob was sticky, maybe with blood, or something else, Sniper couldn't tell. They smelled of gasoline, soot, dust, and sweat.

But while trying to comprehend what was on top of him, Sniper saw and felt a rocket blast right where he had been a few moments before.

Whatever was on him had saved his life, even if they respawned.

Another rocket fired, as if to check if no one was there anymore. Then it remained silent for a moment. Sniper lay there panting, then pushed at the mass on top of him. They didn't move. He pushed again, harder this time, but they still didn't move. The only sound it made was a low, muffled groan as it's side was shoved.

Sniper pushed and shoved and wiggled until he was able to get out from the mass that was his team member, then wiggled and shoved some more until his unknown friend was rolled belly up on the old wooden floor.

Pyro lay in a sprawled star pose on the floor, covered in scorch marks, and pooling blood on the floorboards. His mask was splattered with blood and dirt, and his suit, from what you were able see, with all the blood and ash on it, was a ragged mess, with rips and tears hastily stuck back together with what looked.... Mud?

"Crickey," Sniper muttered, looking over his comrade. "Mate, what happened to ya?"

"Mghhh... mrghd strghh soldgrghh arghdg scorghhd got mrghd," Pyro mumbled weakly.

"Come again?" Sniper asked, concerned. "Didn't catch ya the first time 'round."

Pyro sighed a weak sigh, and lifted his mask up a little bit. He raised a hand and covered his mouth, to mask his voice, but he was still audible.

"I said, 'The stupid Soldier and Scout got me'," He repeated, returning his mask over his neck and chin.

"Oh," Sniper said. He looked Pyro up and down, not sure what to do with their ragged and torn body. Who knows where their medic was, and even if he called for the medic, who knew if he could even make it without being blown up.

"Ya-ya look pretty beat up there, mate. Do, ya, um, want me ta take ya back to spawn?" Sniper Stammered. He always had a hard time talking to Pyro, he was hard to read and rather frightening to talk to.

Pyro nodded faintly, and Sniper reached a hand down to help him up. They took it gratefully, and heaved themselves up off the floor. Almost immediately, they stumbled and almost fell again. A tight griped gloved hand landed on Sniper's arm and didn't let go.

Pyro's touch was warm and gentle under the glove, but strong and sturdy, like he was gripping Sniper's arm as tightly as he gripped his flamethrower while running.

The two of them stumbled out from the old shack on the taller side of the map, and made their way to the spawn system. Along the way, they ran past many faces, from both teams. Some on fire, other determined to get to that last checkpoint without dying to the other team. But the small bundle of fire and arrows trudged on, stoping frequently to let Pyro catch their breath, then continue on their trek. It took longer than anticipated, almost the end of the match, but at last, the little two person Poesie made it to their spawn.

Sniper dropped his load carefully down on the tiled floor, before getting a med kit from the supply box and coming back over.

"Alright, bud," Sniper said nervously. "This might sting a little, but it'll get you fixed up."

Pyro nodded weakly again, hardly conceiving what he was hearing. He was so tired, and had lost so much blood that he likely would die right here and there, then respawn after.

But Sniper gently padded something cold on one of his cuts on his thigh. Pyro winched, but bit his lip to stifle a whimper and let him treat it. This carried for a few minutes, treating every wound Sniper could see. After cleaning them, Sniper patted Pyro's shoulder gently.

"I'm gonna ask ya a rather serious question, k?" Sniper warned. Pyro lolled his head over to look at Sniper, his masking making his breathing sound ragged.

"I'm gonna have ta ask ya ta take off your mask, k, mate?"

Pyro shook his head, frantically if you will. He mumbled something quickly, repeatedly. Over and over again he said it, until Sniper could piece the mutters and mumbles into a sentence: 'don't take off. I don't like it when that happens'.

"Oh. Buddy I-I'm sorry, but I have too-" Sniper reached a tentative hand out slowly to remove Pyro's mask, but his hand was stopped. A fierce grip help Sniper's wrist, making it burn. Pyro was breathing hard, staring at him with lifeless, unexpressive, masked eyes.

"Ow! Stop it, that hurts, Py!" Sniper yelped, trying to pull his wrist free.

Pyro let go, then looked at his own hand and closed it into his chest. He looked ashamed. Sniper rubbed his wrist, and sighed.

"Mate, I-I KNOW you don't want me to take it off.. but ya gotta give me a chance here. It'll only be a minute, then we put it back on, and we forget that I saw you, ok?"

"...Mrghh..." Pyro mumbled, after a long while. He slumped his shoulders, and raised his hands to his mask.

With a schlorp sound, Pyro popped his liberating rubber face covering off, and set it on his lap.

Sniper stared in wonder and to his ashamed embarrassment, awe and maybe a littleeee bit of affection?

Pyro's face was long, slender and narrow, with bright green eyes, freckles splashed across his nose and under his eyes, pale white skin, and he was completely bald. No hair at all. But the oddest thing that stood out was a long, slender scar, on his left cheek, and another one of the same side, on his neck. It didn't look new, in fact, it looked quite old.

"I-uh-um-du-" Sniper stuttered over his words, his tongue not seeming to want to cooperated with his brain. Pyro tilted his head a little, a slightly concerned, and hardened look on his face. Blood and bruises covered his pale, pale skin, and lines of pain were etched under his vibrant eyes.

Sniper swallowed hard, before regaining the ability to speak again.

"Erm-okay.. well.... It looks like we can fix this up real quick..." Sniper spluttered out, fumbling for an alcohol wipe to clean the cut above their left eye. He pulled one out, and dabbed it on the cut, feeling a little clumsy.

Pyro twitched they whole time, watching Sniper's hand like a hawk, as if looking for him to move his hand in the wrong direction and fumble so he could twist his wrist.

As soon as Sniper placed the last band aid on Pyro's head, Pyro grabbed the mask and shoved it back over his face.

"...mrghd ghrff..." Pyro mumbled a quick thanks quietly, staring at the floor.

"Your going to be alright, I promise," Sniper placed a hand on their shoulder, trying to be comforting.

They nodded silently, then shifted and hugged Sniper around his waist. It was so sudden that it took Sniper a moment to figure out what was happening. Pyro had seemed so cold a moment ago, so unwilling to cooperate. Now he seemed vulnerable, softer, scared.

"Ah!" Sniper said out of shock.

He patted Pyro's back awkwardly, trying to comfort him, without really knowing what had made them so snuggly or scared.

He hugged Sniper tighter, shoving his masked face into his chest and whimpered. He didn't want to let go. Shaking slightly, they mumbled and muttered things rapidly under their mask, unheard things that he wasn't willing to repeat again.

Sniper sighed, and hugged what he could of Pyro, rubbing his back gently and trying to sooth their rapid mumbling.

It took hours for both of them to fall asleep in a huddled pile out of sight in the resupply room.

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