Downtown Disaster

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"What the hell is going on?! What's with all the racket?!" Orion screamed, the noise forcing her out of her bed. Jorgeous stood at the window, trembling. Orion walked over next to her, her jaw dropping at the horrific sight awaiting her outside. She was frozen.

Some sort of creature was wreaking havoc. It looked like some sort of octopus mixed with a spider. It was horrifying to say the least. It was red and black. Orion looked confused before shrugging and going back to bed. Jorgeous just stared at Orion. She looked outside yet again.

Right before her eyes, five figures appeared! As they jumped out and onto the scene, Jorgeous was immediately able to figure out each one.

Candy Spice


The Devil of Light


And the Dragonfly Princess!

It was the fantastic five! The superheroes of the city! Jorgeous gasped with glee.

"What the hell is this thing?!" Candy Spice called, obviously bewildered, holding her lollipop shaped wand up as defense. She adjusted the crown she wore atop her head so it wouldn't topple off. Candy Spice raised her wand, blasting the monster with a beam from her wand. The monster shrieked.

The Dragonfly Princess rode up into the air on one of her loyal dragonflies. She held a dragonfly shaped katana in one hand, zooming to the creature and slashing it in half. The creature shrieked. It dissipated into black mist. Candy Spice grinned and hopped up and down in glee.

"Well well! That was much easier than I thought it'd be!" Majestica grinned happily. But it's an age old adage that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Five new figures appeared from the dark. A mage, an imp, a scientist, a soldier and a knight.

These were the Fantastic Five's sworn enemies. The Fiendish Five.

"Oh god, not these five again!" Candy Spice groaned. Majestica sighed dramatically as the Devil of Light shook her head. The mage summoned more monsters, sending them at the Fantastic Five. Except for the Devil of Light. The imp and soldier grabbed her.

"Hey! Let me go! Stop it, you barbarians!" The Devil of Light shrieked, as a blindfold was wrapped around her eyes. She kicked, trying to get away, but it was no use. The imp and soldier didn't loosen their grips on her.

"Help! Someone help! GUYS, SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!" The Devil of Light screamed, trying to get the attention of her teammates, but her teammates couldn't hear her over the sound of their own screams. The Devil of Light was starting to become really scared.

Meanwhile, Candy Spice was trying to defeat the monster that was sent at her and her teammates. But she wasn't able to get a hit off. She needed help. The monster smacked Candy Spice into an alley, causing her to fall to the ground as the rubble fell with her. Majestica was infuriated by this. She picked up her scepter, extremely determined.

"Take this, you bastard!" Majestica shouted, jousting her spear into the monster's heart. It shrieked, before dissipating, just like the other one had. But they were too late. The Devil of Light had already been taken away.

But the scary thing is, the rest of the Fantastic Five didn't even know she was gone. They didn't hear her.


"Ugh... Absolutely brutal." Daya spoke, removing her hair clip and transforming back to her original self. She placed her hair clip and placed it on the shelf. Midnight followed, taking off her pendant and reverting back to being Willow. Daya flopped onto the couch.

Majestica took off her ring, turning back into Angeria. Candy Spice took off her crown, thus transforming back into Camden. Camden had a feeling something was wrong, but everyone else was beat. Camden hastily grabbed her crown, creeping over to the control panel in the headquarters. She froze.

She couldn't find Bosco.

She thought back to the fight. She thought she heard screaming. Was that scream from Bosco? It had to be. Camden slammed her head down onto the table. How did she not notice?! She sighed, getting up and placing her crown on her head, becoming Candy Spice.

She was ready to save Bosco. But there was just one little problem... Where was Bosco? Candy Spice paused. She thought back to the fight with that strange creature. She remembered a mage girl. She wore mostly pink and red velvet. Her hair was pink and wore mostly flowers. That wasn't helpful. She needed some clues. She decided she could find clues somewhere around downtown.


Candy Spice flew out of HQ, scouring around for Bosco. She tried to find clues that would help. She knew what her goal was and immediately scoured around downtown, trying her best to find Bosco, or at least find clues that would help her in her journey to find Bosco.

She found a piece of Bosco's dress. That wasn't helpful. She had to find something that would help her rescue Bosco. She saw a feather from Bosco's cape. That also wasn't helpful. Neither was the gem from the mage's wand. She looked around until she stopped and looked in front of her, gasping.

She noticed something bright red. A piece of ribbon from the mage's hat! She picked it up. She noticed a rose threaded into the ribbon. She sniffed the rose, curiosity getting the best of her. She started feeling very sleepy, until eventually...

She hit the floor. Little did she know, it was a trap the mage had set. The mage slinked out behind a trash can, picking up Candy Spice and casting a teleportation spell. She grinned as she arrived at her hideout.

She waltzed over to a chair, placing Candy Spice in it. She was still unconscious. The mage chuckled. The mage grabbed her wand, mumbling something about this being way too easy, and walking over to the Devil of Light, who was tied to an exam table. The mage smirked evilly.

"It's about time you woke up!"

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