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   It took me a while to relearn everything and I'm not going to bore you with details but it's nice to have someone rooting for me cause my new mama ain't so bad. I learned at a quicker pace than others which frightened many of the villagers.

   Though honestly I could care less because they already thought we were witches. Why should I dumb myself down for people that would hate me for merely existing?

   I had come across little Sophie when  she was grieving and decided to weave in some dried sunflowers and alstroemaria into that crown made of branches and vines. Though it's also known as a Peruvian Lily. Symbolizing a loyal  adoring friendship. I figured she needed something as bright and sunny as her personality to get her through this trying time.

   I did promise to be her friend and a Montoya never breaks a promise...


   The years pass and we grow closer as the seasons change I learn more and more. I graduated my studies early on at the age of 7. I could've done it sooner had those bigoted villagers not threatened to set us aflame for showing up the simple boys at school.

   I found work outside Gavaldon In a nearby town where they didn't know us as well and so paid fairly. Well fairly for an ancient time where women are still not as equal as men. It was... It's aggravating to have to constantly fight for fairness in the workplace.

    I worked in a small book shop as a stocker for a time before taking up the accounting at the shop. I had wondered why the shop always seemed short some cash turns out Dalton my coworker, and the former accountant had been pilfering some of the funds to feed his gambling addiction.

   I saved every penny and opened a grocery store, I remember that Gregor always wanted to work at one I figure since I don't plan to let him die he'd best have a shop to go to for a fresh start.

   Though I finished school early I still walked Sophie to school and back everyday. We spent time together everyday, there wasn't a day that went by that I wasn't happy to have her as my friend. Whereas Sophie liked to talk to her forest friends my plants were my babies our crops were bountiful even through the harshness of winter.

   It's bittersweet to those who find fault in us in that village when they have to bring themselves to come over. Being as hospitality has always been a big thing for me I don't turn them away even though I know that if the roles were reversed they'd leave us to starve.

    Sophie and her family always has first pick. They've never once judged us or talked about us behind our backs and even if they had. Sophie is mine, my Friend that is and I couldn't leave them wanting when I had already promised to be her friend. Friends stick with each other through thick and thin and if I'm coming up so is she.

    She likes to drop by the shop every once in a while and I'll give her new fabric when I can. Sophie has big dreams and though she's a bit spoiled and entitled I can never see her as truly evil. Though I don't doubt she has great potential to be, but anyone could be when pushed the wrong way. To quote someone truly mad it only takes one bad day.

   I made sure to make preparations for when the time comes for us to go I don't know how time is in that realm but I thought it better to be safe than sorry. I made sure to learn etiquette as well as anything I could get my hands on about combat and magic. Even if the books here are a hoax it is better to be safe than sorry.

   I learned more about traps more than anything though and made sure to use some of the nonlethal ones on the dear villagers who would try to pilfer my precious plants.

   I've grown a reputation as an honest witch because I never lied and any price I set was as fair as I could make it at the time. After all honesty is the best policy, but if I'm being completely honest I just don't know if that damn curse transferred and thought better to be safe than sorry.

   It might have helped that I knew a bit of healing and used the knowledge from my old time to my advantage. I had my fingers in everything from stories, to tea, and even some inventions. Riding a bike is much more convenient than walking or taking that damn uncomfortable wagon.

   I knew we were close to "finding out" about that awful school so I cherished the moments we had together as sophie and Aggie. Before it all changes forever I would like to give my Sophie more reason to never doubt just how loved she is so that when selfish stalker of a truelove of hers decides to manipulate and crush her emotional state of mind. She'll know just how untrue his words are.

   She's barely sane to begin with, with her delusions of grandeur it's because of her oddness that i grew so fond of her so quickly. There's no way in hades am I letting him ruin her self esteem more than it already is!

   Forever is a long time and as her friend who loves her dearly I will never allow anyone to hurt my sunflower like that without severe consequences!

   The sun is setting right now as we relax under our wishing tree and I can't help but wonder if things will be truly as they seem when we arrive. So much has changed and if fairy tales are real here then time from Alice in wonderland no doubt exists and I don't doubt he would not appreciate any form of meddling. It just means I gotta get this right the first go around...

   No pressure it's only gonna affect the entire realm... This is going to be fun!

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