Chapter 13

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                         The Victory of Naboo calls for a celebration.  Also,  our new friends the Gungans and peace.  We handmaidens dressed up Padme in a beautiful white outfit with her makeup.  The handmaidens dress in white dresses with green cloaks that cover our faces.

                       The parade was glorious, children singing and dancing while throwing flowers at the passing Gungan soldiers.  Jar Jar and Boss Nass were in the front riding on large banthaas.  They stop to dismount, Boss Nass gracefully while Jar Jar got his foot caught on the stirrup.  I let out a slight giggle as Padme looked over her shoulder and caught my eye.  She was smiling big, she saw it to.  I composed myself as Boss Nass and Jar Jar started walking up the stairs towards Padme.  Artoo, who was right beside me let out a couple of beeps and I pat his head.  A lot of us were gathered here to welcome Boss Mass with the Globe of Peace.  Chancellor Palpatine was across Padme, along with Captain Panaka and many other people of Naboo.  

                     Us handmaidens were spaced among everyone.  I was standing close to Padme, Sache next to me, Rabe next to her, Eirtae next to Rabe, and finally Sabe who recovered from her illness.   I was also behind Anakin and Obi-Wan, who was know a Jedi Knight.  Apparently since Qui-Gon died, the Jedi Council gave him the title "Jedi Knight" because he also defeated that mysterious man who was a Sith.  Anakin was accepted by the Council and became Obi's Padawan.  Obi-Wan cut Anakin's hair from the shaggy mess to a short neat haircut with a Padawan braid down his shoulder.  He was dressed in Jedi robes and I barely recognized him.

                       Ani was going to become a Jedi, and make his mom proud.  I was proud of him myself, and I knew Obi was to.  I snapped back to attention when I heard the cheer of the crowd,  I looked over to Padme to see her handing the Globe of Peace to Boss Nass.  They exchange a smile and he lifts up the Globe as the crowd cheers and more flowers fluttered through the air.  Ani turns around to meet my gaze and grins at me.  I give a full, pearly white smile as happiness takes over me.

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