My Life in 2017 vs. Now

21 1 0

When I first joined Wattpad it was April of 2015, and I was only 13 years old. When I left later on in 2017, I was 15. Life back then was constantly  confusing and stressful for me for a multitude of reasons. Though I certainly did have good days as well. I just was struggling with some mental health issues. Nothing super serious, but I just lacked almost any motivation not just in my everyday life with school and such, but also in updating my fanfics as you all can see, since I never updated "The Demon in Me".

Now, I will be 21 in the next few months. I can't tell you how crazy that is to think about for me. I haven't been on here in almost 6 years. But it feels like just a few months ago I was on here writing my little fanfics.

And yes, there were other fics I wrote for other fandoms, but when I lost confidence in them they went back to my drafts and now all you guys are left with is my one Fairy Tail fanfic.

Although I do still have a daily struggle with motivation problems and mild depression, I am learning how to deal with it a lot better nowadays.  It helps that I have a job that I like now, and other responsibilities as well. I am still single, and have not had any children, though I do hope that someday both of those things will change for me. But for now, I am content with where God has me in my life.

Overall, life has gotten a lot better for me.
I feel like I look forward to each day a lot more than when I was younger. And I will say that has a lot to do with my faith, which I won't get into too much on here. But I will just say that it pulled me out of a really dark spot in my life and got me to where I am today, and for that I am more grateful than words can say.

Well, that's the general update for how I've been since I was last on here. I'm sorry if it's a bit on the short side  ^^;

If you guys have any specific questions about what I've been up to that I didn't answer, comment down below! If I am uncomfortable answering anything I will let you know, but don't be afraid to ask whatever's on your mind.

To read about my reaction to the 52k views on my Fairy Tail fanfic, please scroll on to the next page :)

Guess who's back? ;)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon