Room Meant to be A Secret

Start from the beginning

"Oh...He said he had to personally get ready for something and went off somewhere."

Iruma blinked twice in confusion. "Get ready?"

"We should split up to look for him," Kuro said. 

"That sounds good." She said back. 

"Wait, but we need to keep an eye on our prized fireworks. Therefore, Iruma and I would look for him. You three stay and take care of it." When the cousins were going to insist to help them, she quickly interrupt. "We will leave this all to you, and we're counting on you." She said. This made them quiet then beamed with pride before bowing. "As you wish, Hayami-sama." They said. 

"Oh! Clara, where are you going?" 

Clara giggled while staring at her knowingly. "To add pretty decorations."

"Hey! Clara, stop!" 

"I guess you have a point, Iruma-sama and Hayami-sama.. You should look for him. We need to keep Clara from doing anything unnecessary to our work." He said. "That Clara." He uttered in annoyance. 


The two students stopped in the area near the west wing of the school. "Are you sure you want to leave them just like that?" Asked Iruma. 

"Certainly. I think Clara would be a handful to them, and to ensure she won't do anything reckless around the launchpad, leaving them is the most appropriate decision." She spoke. 

In the ladies' bathroom, she turned on the faucet for running water and cupped her hands under it to hold as much of the water as she can in it. She stared at her reflection and then drained the water out of her hand before turning the faucet off. Staring at the mirror, her expression changed to worried. 'I feel so uneasy. I never mention this to the others but Senpai is off.' Her eyes shifted to the side. 



Hayami happened to feel thirsty when she snuggled up in the sheets. She pushed the covers off her and got up to get a drink of water, and that is when she heard Kiriwo's voice. 

Kiriwo took off his glasses and put them inside his sleeve. "Yes, sir." He brushed his hair to the side with a smile. "It's ready at any time." He confirmed.

She went closer to the door and placed her ear near it. "I wonder what senpai is talking about. Maybe he is talking to his "big brother" about how amazing this firework will be. I'm sure he will be proud." What was said next made her stomach drop. "Oh, big bro. Of the students in my battler, there is a particular one with quite some achievements. She is very smart too and powerful. She always smiles but I think she is closer to us than what she lets off."

'What I left off?'

"So, what you're implying is that she had "returned to her origins"." He said. "Yes. I can feel it." He agreed. Baal smirked at this. "So she is smart and powerful? I should look into her more before making a decision. She can help with our plans too."

"What to do? She might be suspicious if I approach her all of a sudden."

"Don't be too obvious. Get her nice and easy, then capture in your reach." 

Flashback ends


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