𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚎𝚗

Start from the beginning

He slowly started backing out of the room.

"Are you sleeping with him?"



"Maybe. Why does that concern you?"

"Is that why you nominated him?"


"Really? Because you kissing him tells me otherwise."

Toby didn't hear the rest of the argument as he booked it out of Olivia's flat and down the hallway.

Olivia stormed into her kitchen. James right on her heel. Tensions were high. It was like the shoreline being pulled back to sea, ready to turn into a tsunami and flood everything. But no matter how high the wave would grow, Olivia never felt like she was in danger. She didn't fear that James would get violent with her; hit her, punch her, or throw something at her.

"Why is this such a big deal? You know I've slept with Harry, and you didn't have any problems with that."

If this was a natural disaster, this would be the moment people would see the wave coming at them. Giving them no time to know that everything was about to change.

"Because I knew I wouldn't lose you to Villiers!"

This would be the time that people start running, trying to escape their inevitable doom.

"Lose me to him? Why does that even matter!"

"Because he would never love you the way you fucking deserve! Not how I fucking do!"

And this would be the moment that the wave hit the land. The water taking its dues out back to see.

"What?" Not a lot of things rendered Olivia speechless, but a love confession on a random Friday afternoon did. But they were running on gasoline and a random picture Dimitri took lit the spark, inflaming the ground between them.

Words were no longer an option. They always said actions speak louder than words. James reached forward and grabbed her. Pressing his lips against hers, he backed them against the kitchen counter, turning them around so it would be his back to smack against the marble.

Olivia didn't respond for a few seconds and James feared that this was the worst option he could have made, but she ran her fingers through his hair and stood on her toes to deepen the kiss.

"What about the club?" Olivia whispered.

"Fuck the club. Fuck all of that. I'll gladly walk away from it."

Olivia began laughing, pressing her head again against James' chest. "You smacked you back right into a kitchen counter," she wheezed.

"You're unbelievable."

"I'm not the right who did it."

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To say Olivia was in a good mood would be an understatement. And when she was in a good mood, she was generous beyond belief. Which is how Lauren found herself in a high-end shop Friday night after Miles rescheduled their plans to hang out.

Olivia was shifting through dresses, peering up at her before shifting to a new dress. Once she found one she liked, Olivia held it up to Lauren, smiling. "That's the one," she said. Lauren shook her head, "it's too expensive. I could never afford it."

"Why do you think I'm paying? Now come on, try it one!"

"I can't."

"Yes, you can. Lauren, for once in your life, let yourself be treated. Please!"

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