two- the distateful feeling of loneliness

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( the distasteful feeling of loneliness)

      Loneliness is a dark place, one full of misery, sorrow and tragedy

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Loneliness is a dark place, one full of misery, sorrow and tragedy. Its the feeling of disregard, of unwant and unloved, of swimming against a rip or drowning in a sea of people. Loneliness is the word distasteful, a never ending construction of the heart and soul on what you can do to better your person, on what to do to bring a halt to the deafening shame of isolation that you have been subjected to.

      Loneliness is Aemond Targaryen.

And while it may seem peculiar to some that a child of The King could ever find himself in the strange predicament of solitary, that a sixth successor son could ever feel the emptiness of being alone with the endless dotting of serving maids and the vigilant eyes of the Kings Guards, the young Prince couldn't help but suffer with heart wrenching feel of estrangement.

       He was very much alone, the young boy held no companions that he could call friends, no person to spend his time with besides his begrudging siblings and his books. And as he sits at this damned table filled with his relations, he feels invisible to every single one of them.

      Everyone unfortunately, but one.

      A swift kick of a small foot hits his shin.

      Sofina Targaryen grinned across the table as him, slouched so far down her seat that he could only just see her joyous face. The elder girl had seemingly slivered down her seat to be able to reach the pouting Targaryen Prince. "Stop starring at me Cousin, one might get the wrong idea." She remarked, attempting to raise her whitened eyebrow like shes seen her elders do.

Aemond just thought she looked constipated.      

"I was not starring at you." He responded as if the spoken words had disgusted him, eyebrows furrowing and lip curling at her accusation. "I was simply lost in thought."

Perhaps it was his attitude that was reason he found himself alone.

        Sofina— not the one to be easily narked, smiled. "I'm sure." she jested, sitting herself up right as the several servants began to set the table, her eyes following the plates in the hopes of seeing what was being served. The girl visibly lighting up as she spots the mutton roast being placed before her, thanking the maid before she could make her leave.

Aemond scoffed, ignoring the servant as he picking up his own silverware with a heavy hand. He was a son of a King, he need not thank anyone. "It is the truth."

She hummed, her gob already filled with lamb and fork pointed lazily at him. The prince had no doubt that whatever she was going to say was bound to aggravate him more.

Princess Rhaenyra nudged Sofina with her elbow, stopping whatever nonsense was she was about to voice as her own silver fork pointed at the young girls plate, eyebrow raised in a way Aemond knew was the inspiration of Sofina's often outlandish expression.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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