a very sudden confession (streamer y/n x reader)

718 19 13

your pov:

It was the day of my debut, with Fulgur Ovid, Uki Violeta, Alban Knox, Sonny Brisko, and Yugo Asuma. I was gonna stream after Yugo but he was having technical difficulties so my stream was moved before his.

I was singing "Rises the Moon" by Liana Flores in my best singing voice trying to get ready to start streaming, until I look at my chat and all I see is:


'u can sing im jealous 😭'

'ooo can u sing Diamond City Lights'

"Oh shit is my microphone on?"

I say clearly unaware of what I've done. But little did I know, Ike-sempai, Reimu-sempai and all of my other gen mates were watching this. But my stupid ass didn't realize this yet so when I got my chocolate cake and my coffee, I started.

"Yo! Umm so let's pretend you guys didn't hear anything k? K."

I tell my chat as if it was gonna work.

"Anyways so, I'm Y/n L/n I'm technically not born yet so y'all are some old ass bitches. JKJKJK! Anyways, my birthday is B/D and I'm 5'2. And don't take my height for granted cause I will destroy you and this planet at the same time."

I explained. After I went over my design, my likes, my dislikes, my abilities as a sorcerer, and I talked with my chat as they asked questions. One of them struck me though...:

'what do u think of yugo'

"What do I think of Yugo? Well... I think he's adorable. Every thing about him from his laugh to the way he sings. I absolutely love him for his insecurities and his looks. Overall he's my favorite member of Noctyx."

I open my eyes and look at the chat and I see:






Fulgur_Ovid 'ooooo so Y/n here has a crush 💙🖤'

'HI FULGUR ♥️♥️♥️♥️'

Alban_Knox 'wait he's ur favorite??? ouch im hurt :('


Sonny_Brisko 'its ok Alban your my favorite :)'


Reimu_Endou 'AH YOUNG LOVE 💙🖤'

'hi reimu 🖤💕'

Ike_Eveland 'aww how cute my kohai's are already in love'



'UML 🛐'


I begged until I see:

Yugo_asuma: 'u think I'm cute y/n? better yet u love me??'

After I saw that I started to panic. My face was really red and I was too busy stuttering to even consider the fact that tens of thousands of people were watching the stream including my 2 sempais and gen mates. After a good 5 minutes of stuttering, I finally ended the stream.

Yugo's pov

I was to scared to say anything to Noctyx or Ike-sempai. I honestly felt ashamed for not being able to stream today. I then realized that Y/n was live. I honestly thought she was really pretty and she sounds like an angel. I pull up her stream to hear her..... singing?

"Days seems as if they'll never end~."

Once I heard her sing my eyes instantly lit up with joy.

"Sun digs it's heels to haunt you~."
"But after sun lit days, one thing stays the same~~."

I didn't realize it but my face was burning red

"Rises the Mooooooon~~~."

I told the chat not to say anything because I wanted to listen to her sing the whole song

"Days fade into a watercolor blur..."
"Memories swim and haunt you~."

I could tell she was really getting into it. And the more she sang, the more I wanted to be her's. Or her to be mine? I don't know. I just wanted to be with her forever.

"Look into the lake, shimmering like smoke...~"

I look at the chat and they're giving out song requests but she hasn't noticed yet so I guess it's fine-

"Rises the- oh shit is my microphone on??"

Wait what? Why'd she stop? Did she notice? No way. But... I wanted to hear her sing more. (F in chat for yugo )A few moments later, the stream started. I learned her birthday, height what she likes and dislikes and her character design. That's when she moved on to questions. She answered a question that almost made me pass out.

'what do u think of yugo'

Um do they know I'm here or...

"What do I think of Yugo? Well... I think he's adorable. Every thing about him from his laugh to the way he sings. I absolutely love him for his insecurities and his looks. Overall he's my favorite member of Noctyx."

There I am. Blushing like crazy. My heart was beating so fast. I feel like I'm going to explode

"There's no way she feels that way... right?"

That's when I decided to ask. Sure I was hella scared but, I had balls so.........

I did it.

Yugo_asuma 'u think im cute y/n? better yet u love me??'

She started to stutter. It was so cute seeing her in that state. After what like 5 minutes of pure and adorable stuttering, she ended her stream.

A week later...

Still Yugo's pov:

"Hey Yugo?"

"Yeah? What's up Fulgur?"

"Remember Y/n's debut stream?"

"Her...debut stream?"

"Yup. The one where she was stuttering so much because of this one question?"

"Oh yeah that stream yeah I remember that."

"And she said that she loved you~~."

"I- oh."

My face slowly starting to turn red and I'm pretty sure that Fulgur noticed this so he decided to continue to tease me.

"Ahhh I see. You like her too don't you~?"


I'm pretty sure I was overheating just thinking about her. That's when she joined the call....

"Oop there's your girlfriend~. Bye Yugo~."


"Good morning Yugo-sama!"

"G-good morning Y/n-chan!"

"W-well hypothetically speaking... what if what I said on my debut stream was....well, truuuue??"

"Well hypothetically speaking, yeah? I suppose I love you too, right?


"So then I love you, Y/n!"

"I love you too Yugo."

======================================================alright this is shity af so imma try and make the next one better 💀👍

yugo asuma one shots (I've changed the name 2 times) Where stories live. Discover now